The Chat Thread


envy, pride, hatred
Low rep power
May 17, 2024
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an overwhelming variety of reacts like the moods would be impressive


High rep power
Mar 20, 2024
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I think the groyper forum users self consciousness comes from twitter usage. Twitter is open so projection of strength and aggression is the method of protection for the self against possible enemy attack. Whereas on a semi private forum the self is sheltered by non-interaction with foreign worldviews, allowing for some to type with more revelation of the self. The self's greatest fear is to expose itself completely in honesty and truth, with the response being anything negative. At its most vulnerable point even a light blow could cause extreme damage. But is the hidden self even real? It is necessary to reveal, to make known, for something to be concrete and what the self wants most is to be concrete. Self-confidence is the ability to reveal the self completely, devastating and extreme blows rendered impotent against the force of will. The will being the concrete of the self in a man with self confidence. Overwhelming will can turn what would be total defeat into the most spectacular victory of the self, spurring on greater and greater solidity of the self, until they are erecting marble statues in your self's honor.
For my part, my reticence stems from perfectionism, which, granted, I think could be seen as a form of self-consciousness, too. It reminds me of an anecdote about Joseph Addison:

And I don't know what to make of the rest of your post. What do you mean by the self? It seems to mean different things throughout the post (or to be too broad to mean anything). You say that the self wants most to be concrete, that self-confidence is the ability to reveal the self completely, and that the will is the concrete of the self (in a man with self-confidence). So, really, self-confidence is just the ability to reveal the will, for the man with self-confidence reveals the self completely, and if both the self wants most to be concrete and the will is the concrete of the self, the self, whatever it does mean, falls by the wayside as a mere intermediary to the will. So when you go on to say that the overwhelming will can effect a victory of the self, you seem to have lost track of your thought. In any case, your meaning is near impenetrable.


envy, pride, hatred
Low rep power
May 17, 2024
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And I don't know what to make of the rest of your post. What do you mean by the self? It seems to mean different things throughout the post (or to be too broad to mean anything). You say that the self wants most to be concrete, that self-confidence is the ability to reveal the self completely, and that the will is the concrete of the self (in a man with self-confidence). So, really, self-confidence is just the ability to reveal the will, for the man with self-confidence reveals the self completely, and if both the self wants most to be concrete and the will is the concrete of the self, the self, whatever it does mean, falls by the wayside as a mere intermediary to the will. So when you go on to say that the overwhelming will can effect a victory of the self, you seem to have lost track of your thought. In any case, your meaning is near impenetrable.
I liked the anecdote I had to look up fastidiousness and perspicuity lol.

The self (to me) is the mind but it is the mind's view of itself. Consciousness or soul could work. But it is the relation of the mind to its self, I think of thinking about your own thoughts, instead of just acting upon the thoughts with immediacy as normies are want to do (like the animals they are). The self is the innermost part of the soul (to me) where the mind scoops up from its sea of thoughts ideas that it holds to that become parts of the self, images, sounds, beliefs, etc all make up the self (to me). I am speaking about my self (because that is all I can go off of) when I say that the self wants to be "real" in that it feels unstable being a compilation of fragments, but when using language a part of the patchwork is made whole by speech (God spoke the world into being), and then if it is affirmed by others, the self feels assurance that can only be given from something out side it self. A reason God is met when alone, because as the creator of the soul he is in relation to the self and gives the ultimate assurance, no man can give INTERNAL assurance to the self, only God can give this amazing blessing, also know as faith.

Self-confidence comes from willing to expose the self to danger. Will is the self overcoming its self to take action and use the body (speech) to expose its self. We do not say an animal wills, because animals simply act. They have no will. To will one must have a self. But self-confidence is hard because as I said the self is fearful of exposing itself because what the self has built into a patchwork is unstable being only referenced from its self (the mind), but it is better than the chaos of an animal / passionate thought - instant action state that it came out of. But if the self is exposed and is not assured but attacked, it is returned to an animal like state (emotion / passion) because it questions its self (proved from arguments with other minds). Back to will. We can will because we have a self, but to will is hard because the self questions itself, how can you will or act when you internally question every action (of the self)? And so self-confidence requires an overwhelming will the more introspective and self-conscious someone is (the more like God someone is). So will is not revealed by self-confidence, self confidence is gained by using (or developing) the will to the point that it is able to over come self doubt, thus strengthening the self in the process. Will is the tool, the self is the user of the tool.

A self without an overwhelming will is common to many, because as the self expands itself doubts increase about itself and the consequences of actions etc (anyone who has higher consciousness will relate), the will does not develop in line with the self, and so in most it is underdeveloped, and leads to impotency (neets, recluses, incels, monks, "weridos"), Christianity if improperly understood can exacerbate this "thy will be done", (but you have to will for His will to be done, you see another paradox of faith) etc. The will must be developed by the self and as the self develops the will it is made more secure.

Sorry, I am trying to present my ideas in a coherent way but it is hard to do. But if I am provoking thought I am glad.

(i dont know if I should put "it self" or "its self" so i used both lol and self-conscious is not ment negatively here as normies use it in the jewish pyschobabble manner, self-conciousness is GOOD the more of it you have to more human you are (like God you are) the less the more like a beast you are (norm scum))


envy, pride, hatred
Low rep power
May 17, 2024
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(another proof of the difference of the self from the general mind is how the self can hold to an idea that then the mind has thoughts that viciously attack that idea the self is holding too (also know as intrusive thoughts to norm scum) it has been the normal state of my mind since a young age causing me great distress and hardship to develop my self and will. normscum take pills when they have a rare onset of the self) another proof is that the self is what allows for remorse or shame for actions, thoughts in of themselves are not capable of shame the state of shame is the self not willing to have done something that it has already done) ( an inverse will as you probaly know is extremely destructive to the self and can reduce it down to below the animal state to near NOTHINGNESS and this is a step on the journey of faith in God when the self cannot justify itself after having willed itself to near void, only GOD can help, no MAN could ever help a self that has reduced itself to this state.) the "dark night of the soul" leading to the greatest gift from GOD, faith.
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envy, pride, hatred
Low rep power
May 17, 2024
Rep Power
proof for the concept of the self desiring to turn the patchwork of ideas into words that provide assurance and wholeness not capable of being done internally is in all books and pyscotherapy and my typing this right now


envy, pride, hatred
Low rep power
May 17, 2024
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that is why normies amass in groups and only take on the position of the herd, they do not have a self like we do, if they dared to will what is not the most supported view on planet earth at the moment they would instantly be destroyed internally, and so they amass and chatter to one another affirming over and over the same trite nonsense instead of plumbing the depths of themselves leading to the extremes that they fear in themselves, women are of course the prime example, a womans self being near totally dependenant on group consensus at all times, that is how a woman can change positions instantly without any idea she is being duplicitous, because they do not have a self (as we do) they are not animals (women and normies) but pretty close, the only thing stopping their action is nothing internal (no morality) only external (laws, rules, social pressure) and of course the "morality" of the mass which is just a means of social control and regulating the great blob of self that they are all globbed into, that they could not have being without.

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