Incel vibes. Women are our only hope to repopulate the white race. You know who else hates women? Gay men. Yeah so maybe don’t make a women hate thread?
The woman topic is by far the most nuclear concern that someone can have the correct stance on. Yes, even more than the Jewish one. Gay men don't hate women, they literally try to fucking emulate them. They don't hate women like women hate women because for one, they aren't a fucking woman, and two, they aren't in direct competition with women because their only means of getting attention is through sex. The fact that you're acting like a woman and getting offended that Nick doesn't take your gay superchats to heart and "taking your advice" says it all. Why do you think you know more than Nick does and why should he take your advice? Considering you're pandering and defending women (yes, you are absolutely doing this by saying "incel vibes" and defending women by saying they are "our only hope") tells everyone that you have no fucking clue about the real problems or even understand the subject regarding women in the slightest. Log off forever until you understand that the only stance to have regarding women isn't one that plays devil's advocate for them, but rather does the opposite and blames them for all social destruction that is observable today. Fuck off, you fucking woman worshipping faggot.