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They are a great civ in my view. History stretching back to 1000BC, A multitude of philosophical schools and viewpoints, Legalist, Confucian, Taoism, (Practical, Scholarly, and Mystic), tech advancement, creating an empire, etc.... I have seen some theories proposed by rw that the current Chinese population Han is not the same as ancient Chinese similar to India, communism making them way worse. I see a continuity between Confucian views and Chinese communism. But I would like to hear other theories.

I prefer the Taoist texts but it all is interesting to read about. They have an ancient classic called the I-Ching 1000-700bc that is a divination manual, literally how to throw plant stalks on the ground and get a fortune from the way they land. It has been reinterpreted by every successive generation of Chinese thinkers in new ways that on the surface do not seem to relate to the original point of the text. Similar to how the old testament has been commentated on by generations of Christians in a mystical manner that seems far away from what the writer intended.
