What the hell is the point of referring to the system that elevates this caste of retarded fail-bureaucrats as "meritocratic"?
As David Brooks chronicles, in the 1960s the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP: a proxy for “ethnic Western European”) elite was
replaced by an education meritocracy that rewarded being good at theory instead of well-rounded, high-intelligence WASPs.
If you've spent a week or so at any point in your life you'll know this isn't even true. Does Ilhan Omar strike you as someone with an extraordinarily good
theoretical grip on academic subjects? The problem with these people is that they're too
theoretical, too
good, but us wholesome white people have some retarded abstract intellectual strength which doesn't show on paper, like the legendary "emotional intelligence" of women.
Like 99% of conservative theorists this reads like a civilisational cuck fetish post.
Our government is now as dysfunctional at that of Italy. Our agencies are now as corrupt as those in Greece. Our streets are as divided by competing moralities as those of Israel. Our citizens are square-headed thinkers like those of Ireland. And our expectation of functional society is as degraded as those of Eastern Europe.
I believe the kids call this something like "safe edgy". Yes. America's government is too much in character like that of Italy and Greece. That's the problem. Fuck off. What is this fucking garbage? The class of asshole who writes this garbage is going to be splitting rocks in the same camp as America's
high status meritocratic ethnic elites.