

Staff member
High rep power
Apr 16, 2023
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Everyone here has likely been accused of being autistic due to how obsessed they were with a specific subject. Curiosity led all of us here.

Why is curiosity absent in the normgroid?

Often I find myself having a discussion with a normie on a broad topic (relating to history or politics), and they will say such things as “Why do you know about this?” or “Why would I care about this?”

I’ve even encountered some who are scared to learn more and will directly ask if we can switch the topic (usually when talking about philosophy or religion).

Have you encountered this?


Low rep power
Dec 15, 2023
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^Tried to redpill a Costco employee on the USS Liberty incident and was told to leave immediately


Staff member
High rep power
Apr 16, 2023
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Fear is a huge factor. It’s scary to confront new realities and to be told to interact with new information that might change how you view your life. A huge part of what causes some people to desire to learn more is also genetics. I’m not sure being interested in a variety of ideas and worldviews lends itself to survival.

There’s a risk in learning about and understanding occultism when you’re a Christian. Some people have an open mind about national socialism when they’re in a liberal community. The foundation on which you have built your life might shake if you find a question without a satisfactory answer.


"Will to be"
Low rep power
Jun 24, 2024
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I think a large part of it is social ostracization or sexual deprivation. When you are forced away from the social group as a child I think it forces you to become more aware of yourself and the group. This disharmony forces questioning of why you are not welcome in the group and causes analysis of yourself and the group. Key normie trait is they have never been ostracized.

Ostracization is of course tied to sexual deprivation, normies almost fall into sex in school because of the newness of sex for women at this time (the smart women learn to use sex for resources later etc), I dont know if it is the ostracization or sexual failure that causes an increase in curiosity or if some genetic trait causes the social failure in the first place. Nick Fuentes for example was not ostracized but was a-sexual. But most of the true "red-pilled" people I have met had an abnormal childhood.

I would be interested to know if anyone on this forum was a normie and got redpilled after college? I think after college normies are locked in for life, maybe men that never get married could be r-pilled later, but married men are locked in normiedom forever. Also high iq tbh causes boredom with normal people and ideas and things, leading to an intellectual thrist, but I think it is the break with soyciety mentally for some reason that allows free thinking and can lead to either trailer park tier anti-sociality or a higher level anti-social persona to be formed.

I think anti-social + high iq = true redpill. "Socialized" and middle iq = perfect normie. But the more important part is some event that leads to a mental break with soyciety.


"Will to be"
Low rep power
Jun 24, 2024
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I still remember when my mind was opened to "true free thought", I was playing metal gear solid 5 and listening to nick fuentes on youtube. I had a feeling of unease at what was being said, instinctually I went to close out of his show but I thought "well let me see if what he is saying is true or not", and he was correct about the thing that had made me uneasy. From then on I could think about any idea objectively, because the uneasy feeling of possible social isolation for wrong think was replaced with love for the truth. So I assert that slave thinking could be called a passion, because it clouds the mind in favor of mental comfort. The idea that every normie has a "cool nigger", a "media jew", and a "blown-out stacy" sharing their mind with them is accurate.

I have noticed also that normies are petrified of being recorded doing something embarrassing and feel great pleasure in the idea that they have a recording of you doing something that other people on the internet would laugh at you for. They seem to have the "internet mob" living rent free as well. A normie recorded me doing something "wrong" at work and tried to taunt me over it, my unchanged demeanor caused him confusion. The only thing I would fear is being recorded saying something "wrong" and career consequences, but even those cases seem to blow over if ur a small fry. But the idea of being for even a second under the pressure of forced isolation of an internet mob causes great fear in a normie. As usual the consequnces of fear is greater than if the consequnces of the imagined event actually occured.

Jews in this way are the like the normie, anti-semitism being the premier isolater and ostracizer of the jew from the herd of the nation. The animal analogy is apt because isolation for a herd animal is death. For a predator it is not so. Somone isolated must learn to be anti-social aka the predator. I have seen this on the incel forums with the incels almost pleading for sex. They are pleading to be let back into the soyciety as a reguler cow. Not force their way back in as a lion. The creating of the double personality is very hard for someone who is not naturally anti-social. As a human you are desirous of human relations whether family or communal, but as the jews have corrupted this society so that everything about it is poisonous, to succed in it you must be two faced. Accepting the poison with a smile but turning and spitting it out behind the jew's back.