Do Blacks Get Longer Jail/Prison Sentences?

The website Law of Averages put together a collection of statewide studies on criminal sentencing for a large majority of the states. A few of the states with the smallest Black populations, they could not find any studies on this issue.

Study after study shows that Black are NOT given longer sentences than Whites. However, in some cases Black do get shorter sentences.

The North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission found no significant difference in the sentencing of Black and White males for the same crimes. However, they found that Black women were being sentenced to less time than White females for some categories.

The intersection of race and gender: an examination of sentencing outcomes in North Carolina (2014):

Black men were not uniformly disadvantaged, and Black women received the least severe treatment in two out of four analyses.
A University of Oklahoma graduate student researched sentencing in Oklahoma for his dissertation paper and found Whites were being sentenced more severely than Blacks. This was especially pronounced when comparing Black females to White females, and comparing sentences between Blacks and White for drug charges.
