i don't see how jews are necessary for market-based land ownership and labor/hiring practiceseconomics left unchecked will always result in jewish supremacy because they are better than us
liberal capitalism is worship of the merchant class
never before short of like venice and genoa has a state been ruled by a merchant class
The French and American Revolution were both founded on the idea of the people class ruling society
Communist revolutions on the working class
Autocracys on the nobility
Bishoprics on the clergy
Merchant societies are synonymous with jewish, and can only end in technocratic globalism if given an indefinite period of time
what if we had regulations and lawsJews have no ethics so when they are involved in the market place they just cheat and steal until they get to the top, so they always win
this problem was solved 100 years ago by an innovative system called fascismMaybe if we had capitalism on a civilizational basis but the moment we include other civilizations in our marketplace globalization is inevitable
basing the system off of profit incentives ruins everything, even if it is the most efficient way to allocate resources because eventually the company will produce enough profit to start influencing the media
i don't support democracy at all. i support markets because i'm not retardedok so you are a democrat then