Little Murders (1971) is a good black comedy that is essentially about how NYC is a shithole and it's funny how no one cares. it's made by a jew though
Perfumed Nightmare (1977) is a pretty fascinating movie about a third worlder wanting to become an astronaut and then becoming disillusioned and going back to the jungle. might need to rewatch it again to fully characterize its political orientation (it is often called anti-colonial but im not sure about that. kind of anti-tech. on my second rewatch i was looking out for cringe third worldism and iirc came away thinking nah this movie is still good)
Typhoon Club (1985) is about alienation and lack of meaning, goes through a sort of hedonism/nihilism and then seems to conclude by having a character turn into mishima (i have never seen anyone else say this but that's what it came off as to me)