How Christians Misuse ‘The Good Samaritan’ To Promote False Universalism Of The Gospels

Here we present Chapter 10 of Charles Weisman’s book Is Universalism Of God?, which demonstrates how ignorance of who the Samaritans were — both biblically and historically — is misused by Christian ministers to promote modern Marxist ideas of racial egalitarianism and Christian universalism, which contradict and undermine the original intent of the Gospels.

Weisman writes:

The Samaritans

In the New Testament there are several different verses involving the people called “Samaritans” which are often used to support the idea that Jesus was promoting the concept of a multi-racial church — while condemning ethno-centrism. This is so, it is said, because the Samaritans were [supposedly] a mixed-blood people not of pure Hebrew stock — or non-Israelites all together.

Those making these universalist claims always refer to the parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-36); to Christ’s conversation with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well (John 4:5-26); the healing of the Samaritan leper by Jesus (Luke 17:11-19); and the preaching of the disciples in Samaria (Acts 1:8; and Acts 8:5:14). These verses are used to show that God is now changing His plan to include all races in the New Covenant.

Before we examine these verses, we need to first ascertain the racial identity of the Samaritans at the time of Christ by examining the history of the people and land of Samaria.

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