BELOW IS AN X thread (via the Threadreader app) by a Jew named Nate (= Nathan) Hochman summarizing some of the information revealed in a portion of a new Leftist book attacking the old John Birch Society. He discusses how the Jews surreptitiously and illegally spied on, attacked the members of, and undermined the JBS from the 1950s through the 1970s.
Kevin Alfred Strom noticed an overt outcropping of that program more than 40 years ago:
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Kevin Alfred Strom noticed an overt outcropping of that program more than 40 years ago:
The book is by a Jewish professor at George Washington University, with whom the ADL shared a portion of its secret spy data about the JBS for the first time. Articles about this have now appeared in several Jewish publications as well.When I was a member of the Birch Society back in the late 1970s to around 1981, a “nice Jewish man” whose name I don’t remember would come to our meetings several times a year, carefully look over the literature rack, and “observe” the meeting, taking careful notes. Strangely, on two occasions that I know of, his visits fell on the meeting immediately following that at which we had as our guest Dale Crowley, Jr., a Washington-area Christian radio preacher known for his ant-Zionist (though not anti-Jewish) position — as if he knew when Crowley had dropped by. On the occasions of our fine Jewish observer’s visits, our chapter leader, Mrs. Hill McAllister Burch, would hide her Liberty Lobby Jew-critical materials (which she sold, doubtless without Society approval) in another room, to be returned to the book sale shelf at the next meeting.
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