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  • Does the Album Selector have to comment on their own album for Voting Rights on the next round?
    • Not exactly. They must introduce their album in some way, which is a form of commenting on it.
  • Can I nominate myself?
    • Yes, as long as you have Voting Rights.
  • What if no one gets 3 nominations?
    • Then change your votes or the next round will not proceed.
  • When can I change my vote?
    • At any time, but it must be in a new post.
  • Are there any restrictions on what types of albums can be picked?
    • Yes, the album must be less than 1.5 hours long (90 minutes) and it must be available to all participants, either by posting a link to an online stream or download.
  • What if people finish listening to the album ahead of the deadline?
    • You can start voting on the next Album Selector ahead of the current deadline. If someone acquires 3 votes prior to the current deadline, the new Album Selector can post the next album early.
  • What happens to people who haven't finished listening to the prior album if a second album is selected early, while we're still within the comment period for the prior album?
    • Commenting on the prior album within its deadline, but after another album has already been selected, will grant you Voting Rights for the next, undetermined round.
  • Does that mean voting late could allow you to skip an album entirely while keeping your Voting Rights?
    • Yes. This is fine, because people who are late to comment are more likely to not want to listen to a lot of albums. But they can always comment on every album if they feel like it.
  • What if multiple albums are lined up and I comment on a later one instead of the current one?
    • You won't gain Voting Rights until that album becomes current. Any votes you cast without Voting Rights will be considered invalid and would have to be resubmitted after gaining them.
