idk i was pretty baked most of the time i was reading it lmfao captain ahab is goated FREE PALESTINE im gonna get another energy drank fuarkkk i need a big mac too but i already had one yesterday and today ehhmmmm oh ya moby dink was good. very biblical and stuff. like when u have to read massive blocks about whale taxidermy and stuff. kinda reminds me of reading leviticus and the endless ritual guides and how many cubic niggers every dimension of the temple needs to be. its kinda meditative and beutiful tho cause u realize all these descriptions can never capture the essence of moby dickhole as a whale. bro isn’t just a piece of blubber nomsayin. none of us are and i think thats really the gist of it *scratches butthole* but ya dracula is more about jews and adrenichrome when u get down to brass niggers