White Guilt Up; Birth Rates Down

Jared Taylor
But we’ll be back.
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Ever since 1950, when the United States was 90 percent white, the percentage of whites has been dropping. Here, whites are the green line, which keeps falling, and Latinos – the red line – have risen dramatically, as have “others,” the gray line, which is mostly Asians.
Whites are expected to drop below the 50 percent mark and become a minority sometime in the 2040s. This means whites will have gone from a dominant, super-majority to a minority in less than 100 years.
During most of this time, the actual number of whites was growing; the numbers of non-whites were just growing more quickly, due to immigration and higher birthrates. In 1950, there were about 136 million white people in the US. Last year, there were about 195 million. Most of this was natural increase: more births than deaths. However, something important happened in 2016. For the first time in American history, more white people died than were born, and that has been the case ever since — but only for whites.
Every other racial group has more births than deaths, and their numbers are also rising through immigration. Whites are declining, not just as a percentage of the US population, but in actual numbers.
The Brookings institution has just published this study: “Census shows America’s post-2020 population is driven by diversity.” Diversity means non-whites.
This graph shows what happened from April 2020 to July 2023 – a period of three years and three months.
The orange bars are natural increase or decrease and the blue bars are immigration, and from left to right are whites, Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, American Indians and Eskimos, and multi-racial people. As you can see, all groups had some immigration, even American Indians and Eskimos, who come from Mexico and Canada. But look at whites on the left: a natural decrease of 2.3 million – that many more deaths than births. However, as this graph shows, despite a net loss of more than 2.1 million whites, because every other race made gains – even Indians and Eskimos – the overall population grew by the figure at the bottom – more than 3.4 million.
Several things explain these race differences, and one is birth rates. Here is a graph of life-time total fertility by race.
Interestingly, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, on the left, are the most fertile, and are the only group that is at replacement-level fertility. Hispanics come next, but not even they are at replacement level, which would mean that every 1,000 women had 2,100 babies over their lifetimes, or an average of 2.1 children each. The whole country – the gray line – is well under replacement level and this is especially the case for whites, Indians, and Asians.
But then, how can there still be “natural increase” for non-whites? The answer is age structure. Look at this interesting graph from PEW Research that shows how many people there are of the different races at different ages.
Whites are the line at the top. There are still more whites than there are people of any other race at all ages. But now, look at the red line, which is Hispanics. That is a healthy age distribution, with more children than any other group, and fewer and fewer people as the age goes up.
Look also at that circle near the left that says “11 years.” That is the age that is called the “mode” or the most common age. In 2018, when this graph was made, there were more 11-year-old Hispanics than Hispanics of any other age.
The yellow line below is blacks. At that time, there were more 27-year-olds than blacks of any other age, but then the number of blacks falls as the age goes up. The blue line for Asians is similar, but the modal age is 29, and there is a good number of older Asians. For both blacks and Asians, the lines are a little worrying. There were as many 60-year-olds as there were newborns.
Back to whites. There was a huge boomer bulge, of whites ages 54 to 72, but they didn’t have enough children to replace themselves, nor did their children. The modal age for whites was 58 in 2018, and now, six years later, it’s probably 64. At the time of this graph, there were as many 72-year-old whites as there were white newborns. It’s that enormous number of old whites – 70 and older – who are dying off in such large numbers that means that whites, every year, have a million more deaths than births.
The other races are not having the 2.1 babies per woman needed to sustain themselves in the long run, but they don’t yet have that huge pile of old people dying off, so they can still have natural increase.
Whites are having so few babies – and so few white families with children immigrate – that we got this.
On the left, we see what happened with children. Whites, under age 18, are the blue line. In the last three years and three months, America lost 1,660,000 white children, while there was essentially no change in the number of non-white children. Those white children didn’t die or commit suicide or overdose. They were almost entirely the 15- to 17-year olds who aged out of the under 18 group and were not replaced by newborns and toddlers. At the same time, look what happened to people 65 and older. More than three million whites aged into that category, far more than the 825,000 Hispanics, for example – the orange bar.
Every white American child is already a minority, and as this Brookings graph shows, their numbers are projected to dwindle: from 47 percent of children in 2030 to just 40 percent in 2050.
This is the age pyramid for the 62 million Hispanics counted in the 2020 census. That lowest bar is children under five.
Look at the bar third from the bottom, children 10 to 14. There are one million more Hispanic 10- to 14-year-olds than Hispanics five and younger. Part of this is the result of immigration – not that many babies and toddlers cross the border. But this is a sign of sub-replacement fertility.
Look at the 2000 census – 20 years ago.
There were only 35 million Hispanics, but they had a healthier age pyramid.
Here are whites in 2020.
Whites under five, at the bottom of the pyramid, are one of the smallest groups. There were 8.6 million of them. You have to go all the way up to the 75 to 79 group – an age at which many people are dying – to find the first population group that is smaller than the under-fives. Here is the white age pyramid for 2000. There were 2.5 million more under-fives that year than there were 20 years later.
Birthrates decline for many reasons: abortion, feminism, working women, delayed marriage, more individualism and materialism. It is ironic that despite living vastly better than people in the past, Americans say they can’t afford children.
And there are people who think every additional human will help destroy the planet.
Credit Image: © ANP via ZUMA Press
This seems to be an almost exclusively white obsession.
Credit Image: © Mi News/NurPhoto via ZUMA Press
I’m sure Extinction Rebellion would love to have BIPOCs at its demonstrations, but I can’t find a single one here.
There is not one white country with replacement-level fertility – the average in Europe is only 1.5 children per woman – while in Africa, the average is 4.5 children. Here’s the population pyramid for Burkina Faso, where the average woman has almost five children.
White people must want to turn the planet over to Africans.
And white people can be openly snobbish about not wanting children. “People Who Decided Not To Have Kids Are Sharing All The Reasons They Don’t Regret It.” “I would find no joy in raising a child, but I am finding joy by living the life I want without kids.”
“I chose to be child free. The correct response is ‘Congratulations!’ ”
And how about this? “11 Reasons People Choose Not to Have Children.”
Count them. Eleven. “Why I Have Zero Regrets About My Childless Life.”
“I’m Happy I Don’t Have Children.”
These are all highfalutin publications and every author, by the way, is a white woman.
I fell for this. When I finally became a father at age 42, I remember thinking, “Why didn’t anyone tell me how wonderful it was going to be?” The biggest regret in my life – by far – is that I have only two children. Being a father is the best thing I ever did.
Someone has finally tumbled to the idea that diversity may reduce fertility. This recent paper reports that diversity – whether through racial integration or immigration – reduces childbearing for all races.
The authors control for every imaginable confounding variable and conclude that “the rise in racial diversity in the US since 1970 explains 44% of the decline in birth rates during that period, and 89% of the drop since 2006.”
Two things are happening. One is that people want to marry within their race, and there are fewer potential mates in “diverse” neighborhoods. The second is that the more mixed a place is, the less people trust anyone – even of their own race. So, when they do marry, they have fewer children.
This paper got zero – and I mean zero – mainstream coverage.
I would go further than this paper. I think another reason why the white birthrate is so low is because so many people seem to think we are a plague. On Christmas Eve a few years ago, a professor at Drexel University tweeted, “All I want for Christmas in white genocide.”
He later claimed he was joking. When the 2020 census reported that the number of white people in America had, for the first time, fallen since the previous census, documentary film-make Michael Moore tweeted that this was the “best day ever in U.S. history.”
Part of this thinking is based on Critical Race Theory, whose central idea is that “White identity is inherently racist; white people do not exist outside the system of white supremacy.”
No wonder Taylor Maloney, the student body president of Virginia Commonwealth University, under the screen name, “fuck off honkeys,” wrote, “I hate white people so much it’s not even funny.”
She will make a great DEI officer.
Being white is so awful that an organization called Recovery from White Conditioning has a 12-step program – like Alcoholics Anonymous – to cure white people.
A few years ago, “Coca-Cola asked its workers to be ‘less white’,” so they would be less oppressive, less arrogant, less defensive, and less ignorant.
A black author at The Root says “Whiteness is a Pandemic” that “will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect.”
This woman is Chanequa Walker-Barnes, professor of theology at Mercer University.
She recently published a prayer called “Dear God, Please help me to hate White people.” She adds: “I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.”
There are milder expressions of the same thing. In a column in the New York Times, called “We Can Replace Them,” Michelle Goldberg wrote: “Right now America is tearing itself apart as an embittered white conservative minority clings to power, terrified at being swamped by a new multiracial polyglot majority.”
Don’t white people understand that becoming replaced will be good for them?
The Brookings Institution explains: “America’s shrinking white population needs to value youthful diversity,” along with a nice photo of the people we shrinking whites had better value.
I could go on – and on – but you get the idea. What’s a sensitive young white girl to do?
Credit Image: © Greg Martin/Mirrorpix/Newscom via ZUMA Press
Surely not bring more of these hated and unnecessary white people into the world. I can’t prove it, but how could this constant anti-white message not discourage at least some potential parents?
We’ll eventually come out of this, and for two reasons. Liberal-lefty nuts and sexually confused people don’t have many children.
Credit Image: © Rafael Bastante/Contacto via ZUMA Press
Just this week, Planned Parenthood sent what it calls a pop-up clinic to Chicago.
It parked outside the Democratic National Convention and offered free abortion pills and vasectomies.
Healthy, conservative people do have children and all behavior – even having big families – is at least partly heritable. People having big families are probably having children who will also have big families, and those people will inherit – at least part – of the earth. “The Birth Dearth Gives Rise to Pro-Natalism,” said the Heritage Foundation just last month.
And, yes, it’s a white movement.
It may take years, but we’ll be back.