Claim: Candace Owens Was Fired From The Daily Wire for Saying ‘Christ is King’

Claim: Candace Owens Was Fired From The Daily Wire for Saying ‘Christ is King’

Chris Menahan

Candace Owens was fired from the Daily Wire because her “repeated use of ‘Christ is King’ was deemed antisemitic,” according to a purported leak from “four Daily Wire employees.”

The claim was shared by the popular anti-Zionist X account “Censored Men.”

Censored Men wrote:


Four Daily Wire employees, all Christians, have approached me (their identities will remain anonymous for safety reasons) and leaked information about an “Impromptu Town Hall” that Jeremy Boreing (CEO of Daily Wire) hosted on the day of Candace’s firing.

Jeremy Boreing sent an email to all Daily Wire employees inviting them to an “Impromptu Town Hall” in Candace Owens’ studio.

The Town Hall was led by Boreing, with Andrew Klavan repeating many of the corporate talking points on his show the next day.

The four employees told me that the Town Hall attempted to BRAINWASH the employees present into believing that Candace was, in fact, an antisemite.

They view it as an extreme form of damage control to scare and prevent employees from speaking out against Owens’ firing later that day.

“The feeling was that they didn’t just want her gone, they wanted everyone to hate her like Ben does.”

“It was straight up propaganda.”

These subjects were brought up during the Town Hall:

– Candace’s repeated use of “Christ is King” was deemed antisemitic, dating back to November when a meeting with Ben Shapiro was leaked. In the meeting, he badmouthed Owens for not being overtly Pro-Israel.

– A clip of Nick Fuentes chanting “Christ is king” was played. This expression made Shapiro particularly angry, and since Fuentes is deemed an antisemite by the ADL, it was used to suggest Owens was an antisemite by association.

– A clip from Owens on Fresh & Fit was played where a “ka-ching” sound effect was heard in the background; this was an attempt to associate her with the stereotype that Jews love money.

The employees also told me that Ben had been bitter in his attitude towards Candace, as her show was outperforming Ben’s and was much better received.

Some employees are planning a lawsuit against The Daily Wire, feeling intimidated and threatened by the meeting, and also because of what they believe is an attack on Christianity at the company.

They felt the phrase “Christ is King” was seriously deemed to be antisemitic by Boreing, Klavan, and Ben. It was Candace’s repeated use of the phrase, along with her not being overtly Pro-Israel, that ultimately led to her firing.

After hearing this, no Christian, or anyone with genuine morals, should have a Daily Wire subscription or support the company in any way, shape, or form.

It is clear that Christianity is under attack at The Daily Wire, with Christian employees feeling so intimidated that they are actually consulting their lawyers.

This is totally unacceptable and must not be supported.

Candace Owens did nothing wrong.

No one from the Daily Wire has responded to the claim.

As I reported last week, the Daily Wire’s Andrew Klavan defended the firing of Candace Owens for “anti-Semitism” by claiming that her stating “Christ is King” was an anti-Semitic dog whistle.

In the wake of October 7, the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro started lionizing Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt for his pro-Israel advocacycelebrated Palantir announcing an affirmative action hiring quota just for Jewsshared the claim that Palestinians were faking their children’s deaths with crisis actors and attacked Owens as “disgraceful” for taking an America First position on the Israel-Gaza war.

Original Article


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