American Patriot Omega King Pain Boo Was Sent To Prison Today

Brian Gundersen, or as he was known in our circles, Omega King Pain Boo, was sent to prison today to serve his two-year sentence for his role in the Capitol riot. I didn’t know Boo personally, but I have watched a fair amount of his streams. He always came off as an extremely genuine guy. The way he wore his heart on his sleeve was unlike a vast majority of the people on the internet; his passion came off as childlike. He dreamed of playing a part in saving his country and would often compare our revolutionary struggle to his favorite anime, Naruto. On January 6th, Boo responded to the spirit that filled the air that day. For his patriotism, he is now in chains and unknown to most Americans. His imprisonment is yet another example of the tyranny we live under every day.
I pray that Boo will benefit from his time in prison somehow. He is a kind young man so if all things stay fair, he should be able to get out early on good behavior.
If you would like to write him a letter (please do!) his info his below:
FCI Loretto
P.O. BOX 1000