An Open Letter To Donald Trump’s Current 2024 Campaign

We are compelled by a deep love and admiration for Donald Trump, the American nation, and the American people to deliver the following message to his campaign, and the American voters.
In 2016, Donald Trump expressed a revolutionary vision for our country. He outlined an America First platform that brought millions of Americans hope for the future, and many people were drawn into politics for the first time in their lives. It is vital that we remember not only the message which he preached, but the price he paid for bringing that message to us. It is equally important to remember all Trump has been through these last 9 years to understand the gravity of where we are now, and how we got to this present moment, less than 90 days from the 2024 election:
This is the Trump we heard at his first rallies:
“This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether we’re a free nation or whether we have only the illusion of democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the systems.”
This is the Trump we remember from his 2016 GOP acceptance speech:
“The most important difference between our plan and that of our opponents, is that our plan will put America First. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo. As long as we are led by politicians who will not put America First, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect, the respect that we deserve!”
A number of these reforms that I will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation’s most powerful special interests. That is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit.
Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings.”
“I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals. These are the forgotten men and women of our country. People who work hard but no longer have a voice.
This is the Trump we heard at his inauguration in 2017:
“We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this moment on, it’s going to be America First. Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families.”
“I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down.”
From the moment he came down that escalator in 2015, he has been fighting a revolution on a scale unmatched in human history. He fought against big business, elite media and major donors. He fought against the uni-party of corrupt Republicans and Democrats. He was one man against the entire system, and he won.
The shockwave that Trump sent through the DC swamp in 2016 was not fatal, however, and these same America last forces and global special interests continued to coalesce in front of and behind the scenes to thwart Trump every day. They smear him in the media. They use lawfare to rob him of his wealth and exhaust him and his family. These interlopers even invaded his first term staff, using Trump’s brand name to enrich their own petty careers and personal agendas. For their grand finale, the system coordinated a shadow campaign to steal the 2020 presidential election. From the night after the election to January 6th 2021, many more traitors revealed themselves, abandoning Trump in his greatest hour of need.
Soon after the regime doubled down on their efforts to bury Trump, once and for all. The Biden administration unleashed a barrage of criminal indictments and proceedings against the President, going so far as to try and remove his name from the ballots. They raided his home and took his mug shot to paint him as a criminal in the eyes of the people. Nearly all of his donors realigned themselves with other factions of the rightwing, including Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. But once again he rose up, in spite of all the odds. He rallied his people and he crushed his opposition, becoming the new 2024 Republican nominee for President of the Unites States.
Just days before he was scheduled to accept this nomination, a gunman was maliciously or incompetently allowed to take a shot at the president in Butler, Pennsylvania. By the sole power of Divine Providence, God interceded to protect Donald Trump, and in a split-second turn of his head he was spared from death by the assassin’s bullet, which missed its target by less than a quarter of one inch. Like so many times before, he rose from near death, triumphant against the forces of evil.
It is clear that God has protected Trump for one reason: so that he can lead the 2ndAmerican Revolution of the United States in his 2nd term as the rightful President of the American People.
This mandate from heaven, this America First vision which ought to govern our land, is all being thrown away by his advisors, chief among them Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita. These two ignorant and uninspired hacks are allowing this generational mandate to transform America slip away into obscurity. They have watered down Trump’s message, and have replaced the Trump platform with tired, flat GOP talking points about the corporate tax rate, mass (legal) immigration, and bombing the Middle East in new endless foreign wars.
Hundreds of thousands of loyal Trump supporters want to Make America Great again, but we cannot in good conscience vote for war with Iran, the stapling of green cards to visas, endless minority pandering, and these America last traitors and snakes gaining power in his latest administration. The American people are making the same demands that Trump called for in 2016. We demand that things have to change, and they have to change right now.
To this end, we are calling for the following measures to be implemented immediately with regards to the 2024 campaign, and the future 2024 administration to which it serves:
1. Fire ALL disloyal staff, including Campaign Advisors Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita
2. Replace ALL Trump campaign leadership with TRUMP LOYALISTS
3. Commit to strengthening ties with Project 2025 in the hiring of 2024 campaign staff as well as the 2024 Presidential Administration
4. Appeal to Trump’s Base: White People
5. Mandate all campaign staff swear a recorded, verbal, and written loyalty pledge to Donald Trump and his America First Credo
6. Commit to keeping the United States out of a war with Iran
7. Recommit to a concrete and comprehensive border security operation, including:
a. the construction of a 30ft high concrete border wall across the US/Mexico border
b. A complete overhaul of border patrol, with usage of surveillance, drones, and other military technology to prevent as many future crossings as possible
c. The usage of all possible resources, including federal resources, to carry out nationwide deportations of all illegal aliens residing in the Unites States
8. A rescindment of the plan to staple green cards to diplomas
Fire ALL disloyal staff, including Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita
Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita are leading the 2024 presidential campaign into the ground. They are less conservative than Trump’s base, they neglect Trump’s base, and they have proven by their actions that they scorn Trump’s base.
Susie Wiles has been quoted in the Atlantic saying the following, “For every Karen we lose, we’re going to win a Jamal and an Enrique.” Susie Wiles admits she is realigning the party away from White voters, including the White female “Karens”.

This is a major problem. White voters comprise the overwhelming majority of Trump’s base, especially in the key swing states he needs to win in the Midwest, and the White House. Trump’s 2016 victory was a directly result of appealing to the “forgotten Americans” which was widely understood to mean the White working class of the Midwest and other de-industrialized areas. Trump won Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin as a direct result of White voters.
Susie Wiles does not even believe the fraudulent 2020 election was stolen:

(Source: // THE DAILY BEAST: Trump Adviser Spills on Why She Thinks He Lost 2020 Election)
Chris LaCivita
During January 6th 2021, Chris LaCivitawas caught supporting the 25th Amendment being used against Donald Trump:

Instead of supporting the J6 Patriots who stormed the Capitol building in protest of their nation’s election being stolen, Chris LaCivita stabbed Trump’s most loyal followers in the back, allying himself with media smears against the protestors:

Anyone who denies that the 2020 election was stolen is either ignorant of the unprecedented changes made to the way elections were conducted or is aiding and abetting our corrupt American regime rigging the system. Both are completely unacceptable.
January 6th was a patriotic exhibition; the product of years of justified righteous anger against 6 years of overwhelming media lies and political subversion. Hundreds of thousands of brave protestors arrived in DC that day to support their president, and express legitimate grievance that their God given right to elect their leader was being stolen, right in front of their eyes. Anyone who is ashamed of the events of that day lacks the heart of a patriot, and the courage to stand up in times of great moral crisis. People like Chris LaCivita, who neither understand nor believe this, do not deserve the honor of serving under President Donald Trump and must be swiftly removed.
All Trump campaign personnel must be investigated in order to retain their employment. There must be rational, bare minimum requirements we should expect from them. This baseline must include:
· Confirmation that the employee voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.
· A thorough investigation and continuous monitoring of all employee’s social media presence and work histories to ensure that:
1. at no point in time have they substantively opposed Trump on the basis of his America First mission as outlined in his 2016 campaign (as opposed to limited, restrained concerns and criticisms, which may still be directionally in service to Trump’s 2016 platform), or
2. on the basis of personal malice towards Trump or
3. unpatriotic criticism of the historic American nation, its people, and its origins
Only those who have been vocal Trump supporters since 2016 should hold power within the 2024 campaign, and 2024 administration. Disloyalty to Trump in 2016 or 2020 must be PUNISHED, not rewarded. Disloyalty to the American people must be PUNISHED, not rewarded.
Replace ALL Trump campaign leadership with TRUMP LOYALISTS.
Trump needs loyalists now more than ever. How can the American people expect Trump’s vision to be achieved if those responsible for implementing it are not aligned with it, and don’t have the intelligence to understand it?
The 2024 campaign is falling apart because the current leadership does not match the instincts, the intelligence, and the passion of its leader. They are ideologically opposed to it, because they are the same insiders and foreign special interests Trump warned us about.
Loyalists are people who supported Trump from Day 1. Loyalists fell in love with the Trump message because it spoke to our hearts, it expressed our discontent, and told us the hard truth about our country when no other politician would.
Only Donald Trump had the courage to say that the American dream was dead in 2016. He said that the Iraq war was a mistake. He said that bad free trade deals were killing American industry. He delivered a brutal, sobering assessment of America, and from that position he gave us the clarity we needed to pave a new path for American greatness.
When he was accused of political incorrectness and smeared with hollow accusations, the loyalists did not care. We knew it proved that Trump wasn’t another faker: he was the genuine article. He gave us the courage to ignore the same smears when they were leveled against us.
We need people who had the political tact and discernment to recognize these kinds of significant policy positions and their importance since the earliest days of his first campaign. We need leaders who have the same goals as Trump, and who are just as fierce as Trump, and will fight with every breath to make sure they get done, and that America and its people are put first once again.
Commit to strengthening ties with Project 2025 in the hiring of 2024 campaign staff and the 2024 Presidential Administration and transition teams.
It is an open secret that many of the Trump loyalists and original staff of the 2016 campaign are associated with Project 2025. Despite not claiming any affiliation with the group, Trump shared a private jet flight with the head of Project 2025 Kevin Roberts back in 2022 and has been aware of Project 2025 for some time. The liberal media simply does not buy into Trump’s dismissals and disavowals and sees them as completely hollow.
Currently we are getting the worst of both worlds. By restricting our affiliation with Project 2025, or any program similar to it, we don’t get any of the advantages of igniting the base, or meaningfully pursuing our conservative political agenda. At the same time, we incur all of the disadvantages of not endorsing Project 2025, including the loss of its personnel database of loyalists which will be vital in filling up a 2nd Trump administration.
The fact is, Project 2025 is already being used by Democrats as a powerful boogeyman to fire up their own base, whether the Trump campaign ultimately decides to endorse Project 2025 or not. While the Trump campaign can choose to align with the policies of Project 2025 without having to commit to endorse the entire 900-page platform, there are no major alternatives who offer these same resources at the current date.
Pragmatism must guide any decision with regards to the level of support and cooperation given to Project 2025. One less obvious advantage in favor of support is that by being more accepting of Project 2025, it will encourage hundreds of thousands of Americans to sign onto their employment database. If loyal Trump supporters are given reassurance that the Project or a facsimile is solid, we should not be surprised when we find vast numbers of hidden talent who were waiting for this kind of opportunity to serve their country without fear of a regressive RINO platform. The best and brightest minds can finally come to light and be quickly hired to staff the White House and regulatory agencies. Competent loyalists ought to be rewarded for their skill and willingness to serve their country.
While policy minutiae can certainly be continuously debated, Project 2025 is what is currently on the table. It is more conservative and more aggressive than the last several years of GOP platforms, and it is attempting to solve perennial problems which have plagued the government: federal bureaucrats, gutless republicans, and a political agenda moving towards the right rather than appeasing the Left.
Project 2025 receives such negative criticism from the media and the Democrats because they are terrified of it, and they should be afraid. Project 2025 has the potential to send a decisive blow to the deep state if it or a program similar is empowered and supported in 2024.
If Donald Trump initiates his former 2020 plan of the Schedule-F reclassification of federal employees, tens of thousands of corrupt bureaucrats, who should be swiftly removed upon the transition, can be replaced by trustworthy and patriotic Americans who can fulfill the vision Trump promised in 2016.
Without some kind of loyalist filter or database like the kind offered by Project 2025, the consequence will be that all those high-ranking positions will be filled by those already well connected in DC. Just like we saw in the first term, these people will betray the principles of the America First movement and subvert it to their interests the first chance they have.
Appeal to Trump’s Base: White People
The Trump 2024 campaign has adopted a strategy of endless, egregious pandering to racial and ethnic minorities. This plan echoes the current campaign’s leadership Susie Wiles when she dismissed “Karen” votes in favor of “Jamals” and “Enriques”
To win the 2024 election, Donald Trump needs to appeal to White voters. White voters are the base of the Republican party, and it was working class Whites, the so called “forgotten Americans” who delivered Trump the White House in 2016.
Identity politics is here to stay, and White people deserve to have their voices heard by this administration, and every administration hereafter. It is an inert, immovable, unchangeable, unavoidable fact that the Republican party’s base is White. Rather than shun and ridicule the White voters like Susie Wiles has done, Trump must appeal to the interests of White people to secure the swing states and win reelection: there is no other way.
In fact, while massive improprieties and rigging stole the election from Donald Trump in 2020, it is noteworthy that in 2020, Trump’s share of the White vote decreased from 2016, and received a politically insignificant bump among the minority vote in 2020.
Americans have seen these two political experiments play out on the national stage. In 2016, Trump’s speeches addressed the forgotten White base. In 2020, the Trump campaign strategy exhibited a shift in rhetoric towards the same minority pandering we are seeing now. With the former 2016 strategy, Trump won, with the latter in 2020, Trump was unable to overcome the fraud, and was ousted by President Biden.
Look at the Pew Research and demographic data for the state of Wisconsin, which Trump won in 2016 and lost in 2020:

95% of Republicans in Wisconsin are White. 80% of Wisconsin’s people are White. Why is there such an overt attempt to fight for the Black and Hispanic “Jamal” and “Enrique” vote which comprises less than five percent of the state’s Republican party, and only 6% of the total population?
Look at the Pew Research and demographic data for the state of Michigan, which Trump won in 2016 and lost in 2020:

91% of Republicans in Michigan are White. 73.5% of Michigan’s people are White. Why is there such an overt attempt to fight for the Black and Hispanic “Jamal” and “Enrique” vote which comprises less than 9 percent of the state’s Republican party, and less than 20% of the total population?
Look at the Pew Research and demographic data for the state of Pennsylvania, which Trump won in 2016 and lost in 2020:

92% of Republicans in Pennsylvania are White. 74.5% of Pennsylvania’s people are White. Why is there such an overt attempt to fight for the Black and Hispanic “Jamal” and “Enrique” vote which comprises less than 8 percent of the state’s Republican party, and less than 15% of the total population?
Look at the Pew Research and demographic data for the state of Arizona, which Trump won in 2016 and lost in 2020:

76% of Republicans in Arizona are White. 53% of Arizona’s people are White (66.7% when including White Hispanics). Why is there such an overt attempt to fight for the Black and Hispanic “Jamal” and “Enrique” vote which comprises barely 20% of the state’s Republican party, and less than 20% of the total population?
There is no logical, rational basis behind the excessive minority pandering, it is purely ideological, and a knee-jerk reaction to phony accusations of racism by the Left. Sacrificing the entire base of Republican voters in a desperate attempt to win over other groups can no longer be tolerated.
Demand a recorded, verbal, and written loyalty oath from all current and future staff
Donald Trump has better instincts that these mediocre politicians and incompetent advisors like Susan Wiles, Chris LaCivita, and Jason Miller. Donald Trump has been far too forgiving and lenient to their colossal failures, and it is clear now that a major shakeup is needed.
Trump needs to be surrounded by loyal soldiers and hardcore patriots. Trump deserves a staff who will never second-guess or water down his message, but instead enhance and embolden his vision of American excellence. Donald Trump deserves the very best and brightest Americans running his campaign.
To this end, to be allowed anywhere near Donald Trump’s campaign we are calling for a recorded, verbal, and written loyalty pledge, swearing that they will support Trump’s original credo: to put only America First, and to put the interests of the American people First and always, without exception. If any member of Trump’s staff is found to have any time in the past, present, or future to been in violation of this forthcoming pledge, they are to be immediately fired and blacklisted from working on any future initiatives sponsored by Trump, and the conservative world at large.
Additionally, this list of traitors should be made public and regularly updated, so that loyal Trump supporters can be sure they are never providing material support to individuals who have chosen to betray the rightful ruler of the American people: President Donald J. Trump. Such an oath will help to weed out our traitors and subversives, discourage dissent, and punish regime collaborators.
Back in 1992 Donald Trump was interviewed by Charlie Rose on PBS, and Trump said:
I used to say, and in fact I think I said in my first book– and maybe this was foolish but I really meant it– that someday I’d like to maybe lose everything for a period of time to see who’s loyal and who’s not loyal.
Due to the unbearable incompetence of his advisors, Trump’s campaign does risk losing everything. Fortunately, he now has the greatest opportunity to discover who is truly loyal and who is not. Failed leaders like Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita and others can obfuscate and twist words all day long, but would they take a loyalty pledge to put America First, under threat of being ejected from the party? They would be incapable, as they betray his original message in every rally speech they right, and every campaign strategy they introduce. There must be a strong unequivocal message: all Trump staff can either be loyal to Trump and his America First vision or be exiled from all conservative politics for life.
Commit to keeping the United States out of a war with Iran
One of the greatest accomplishments of Donald Trump’s first term was keeping us out of new foreign wars, a feat which has not been accomplished by an American president in over 40 years.
Neocons and other bloodthirsty warhawks have been saber-rattling at China, Russia, and now Iran and its proxies in the Middle East. The American people loved in 2016 when Donald Trump said that the war in Iraq was a mistake, because he was absolutely correct. The American people do not want billions of dollars spent serving the interests of foreign countries and costing us the lives of American servicemen.
Trump supporters are in perfect agreement with Donald Trump that if he was allowed his rightful 2nd term back in 2020, he would have prevented these global conflicts from ever occurring. Americans do not want to be swept up into World War III, which is exactly what is on the table if Israel is not reigned in by the United States. It is only Trump who can pull us back from the brink of war, and make American safe again.
Recommit to a concrete and comprehensive border security plan
Immigration into the United States has been out of control for decades. Trump was the only reason that the issue of immigration rose to national prominence as a topic for debate in 2016. Once again, Trump had a visionary plan for our nation: a 30ft high concrete border wall. Such a project would pay for itself 100 times over, every year. The United States spends nearly $250 billion dollars per year on illegal immigration between remittances and government services soaked up by aliens. The border wall will discourage what can only be described as a hostile invasion of our countries. Foreign drugs, criminals, murderers, rapists, and welfare thieves have swarmed into our country by the millions. Mass immigration has ripped apart the nation’s social fabric for too long, and it must be addressed now.
While Trump makes mention of the disaster at our southern border at his rallies, the border wall no longer appears as a consistent major staple of his immigration solution. The reason why it is so critical to refocus the immigration platform on a wall is because it is a permanent piece of infrastructure, resistant to the caprices of hostile political will. Once the wall is constructed, it will never come down, and our country will begin to enjoy the fruits of a safer, wealthier nation.
In addition to recommitting to the border wall, and the resources necessary to properly maintain and secure it, the Trump 2024 campaign must strengthen its immigration plans towards deportation. Not only local resources, but state, and federal resources must all be used at their maximum capacity to assist what Trump has previously described as the greatest deportation operation in American history. Trump’s current outlined plans of using local law enforcement, and targeting violent criminals first, while directionally correct, is insufficient. We need a deportation effort which matches the kind of creative, genius, revolutionary vision we were made accustomed to in 2016. We need swift and decisive action taken to undo the years of scars and damage that has occurred as a result of our country’s weak open borders policy. We need a massive effort delivered in no uncertain terms which can reassure the American people that this deportation effort will be unprecedented in its scope and achievement.
A rescindment of the plan to staple green cards to diplomas of tech workers
This year, Trump repeatedly made public statement to Silicon Valley leaders that he would staple green cards to diplomas, including junior college/community college diplomas. Trump shifted his rhetoric on this issue as a form of appeasement to Big Tech leaders in exchange for donations and support for the 2024 campaign, whose resources have been depleted by lawfare. Since this shift goes against the mission he proclaimed in his 2017 Inauguration to “Buy American and Hire American” he is fully within his right and power to rescind such a commitment, which will serve only Silicon Valley to the detriment of American workers and students who rightfully deserve positions at our American universities and American tech companies. If Big tech wants employees, they can look to the American citizens we that have.
This letter is not a criticism of Trump, but and indictment on his imperiled, impotent 2024 campaign and its staff. The current leadership has squandered opportunity after opportunity and have not risen to the call. The are unfit to lead the campaign, and must immediately be fired and replaced with competent, loyal Trump supporters. There are less than 90 days left until the election. Trump voters are seeing the polling data, and their fears and anxieties are only mounting. We need a steady strong hand to change course, save this campaign, and bring Trump to the White House on the same kind of platform that led him to victory in 2016. Anything less will be a disservice to the American people, and a betrayal of Trump’s most loyal followers.
If we see these changes, he will have our votes, and we will fight with unmatched resolve to guarantee his victory. We will make sure that the 2nd administration is the best four years this country has ever seen, because we be working alongside our leader to once again put the American people First.
Michael Masterson, A Patriot.