Biden Admin to Fly Migrants from Latin America to Greece and Italy for Resettlement

Biden Admin to Fly Migrants from Latin America to Greece and Italy for Resettlement

Chris Menahan

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has reportedly drawn up plans to fly migrants from Latin America to Greece and Italy for “resettlement.”

From CBS News, “U.S. planning to refer some migrants for resettlement in Greece and Italy under Biden initiative”:

The Biden administration is planning to refer some migrants in Latin America for resettlement in Greece and Italy as part of another effort to discourage people in the region from traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border, two people familiar with the government’s plans told CBS News.

The initiative would involve Greece and Italy welcoming migrants processed at immigration offices that the Biden administration set up last year in four Latin American countries to screen migrants who hope to reach the U.S., the sources said, requesting anonymity to discuss arrangements that have yet to be announced.

[…] “We work with Canada, Spain, and just recently, Greece, to build lawful pathways for individuals to arrive in their countries, out of the hands of smugglers who just seek to exploit these individuals for profit,” [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas] said.

Representatives for the Greek and Italian governments did not respond to requests for comment.

After this story was first published, Italian government sources told Ansa, one of the main news agencies in Italy, that Rome was studying a migration agreement with the U.S., but they described it as a refugee swap. The sources said it would involve only “20 Venezuelan refugees of Italian origin.”

“The hypothesis of a reciprocity agreement is currently being studied, according to which the U.S. would host refugees who are in Libya and desire to go to Europe, while some European Mediterranean States would host a few dozen South American refugees,” the sources told the Italian outlet.

Greece’s migration minister, meanwhile, said, “There is neither an agreement nor a request from the US to resettle legal immigrants in Greece.”

Evidently, they haven’t gotten the news the US is going to foist these migrants on them yet. You can be damn sure they’re going to relent as their “conservative” leaders are total sellouts.

Original Article


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