Blacks Unleashed: It’s Black Rapists All the Way Down

Blacks Unleashed: It’s Black Rapists All the Way Down

Got Blacks? Then you’ve also got bestial behavior. As the late great Larry Auster once said: “To import a black population into a previously all-white country is to consign a large number of whites in that country, year after year, generation after generation, to violent death at the hands of blacks.” Faced with that irrefutable truth, leftists across the West have worked tirelessly to import Blacks, privilege Blacks, and prevent effective policing of Black crime. In short, they’ve unleashed beasts on ordinary Whites.

Some women don’t matter

They’ve also worked to deny the reality of Black crime and to censor those who speak the truth about it. That’s why British Whites need to put leftists like Tony Blair and Barbara Roche on trial for crimes against humanity. Leftists like those knew exactly what would happen when they opened our borders to Blacks. And it has duly happened, year after year, generation after generation. In “Precious Jews, Worthless Whites,” I wrote about one bestial Black crime among many thousands: the torture, murder, and probable rape of an elderly and isolated White woman called Susan Hawkey by a Black male called Xyaire Howard.

There was no anguished commentary in the leftist media about Susan Hawkey’s death. Although leftists pretend to care about vulnerable women and male violence, in reality most of them care only about themselves and their own advantage. And it’s because they care about themselves that another bestial Black crime has slipped through the cordon sanitaire and provoked anguished commentary in the leftist media. Feminists at the Guardian don’t identify with elderly working-class White women in London any more than they identify with working-class White girls in Rotherham. But they do identify with the woman who was brazenly raped on the London underground by a “depraved” Black called Ryan Johnson. For example, as you read Gaby Hinsliff’s article about the rape in the Guardian, you can almost hear her saying to herself: “My God, this is serious — it could have been me!”

It was broad daylight, and there were other people in the tube carriage. She should have been safe.

She’d fallen asleep, missed her stop, and ended up at the end of the Piccadilly line. But still, on a weekend morning in a bustling city, she should have been safe. And yet, hauntingly, she wasn’t.

Last week, Ryan Johnston was sentenced to nine years in prison for raping a 20-year-old woman on the tube in front of a horrified French tourist and his young son, in a case the detective leading the investigation described as one of the most disturbing of his career. …

Something about this story, which unfolded in the space of just two tube stops, punches through all women’s comforting illusions about when and how we are safe. It has spread like wildfire through female WhatsApp groups, prompting questions about how on earth it could have happened: how could anyone not intervene in a rape unfolding in front of them? (If a woman can be raped in broad daylight on a train, there are tough questions for all of usThe Guardian, 15th December 2023)

Bestial Black Rapist #1: Ryan Johnson

The headline of the article claims that the rape raises “tough questions for all of us.” But the Guardian isn’t genuinely interested in raising tough questions, let alone in answering them. It would never allow a frank and honest discussion of Black criminality and its roots in Black genetics. Given a choice between admitting the uncomfortable reality of racial difference and maintaining the virtue-signaling fantasy of egalitarianism, no good leftist hesitates for a second. It’s fantasy every time. Gaby Hinsliff asks “how on earth” the rape could have happened, but she doesn’t want to hear the truth. And the truth is that it happened because leftists like her have imported Blacks and other non-Whites by the million while demonizing and censoring all those who warned about the inevitable consequences.

Bestial Black Rapist #2: Fiston Ngoy

The further truth is that crimes like that will continue to happen until leftists are removed from power and their non-White pets are sent back where they belong. But there’s also something sickly ironic in the leftist response to this rape. Even as they refuse to admit the truth about Black bestiality and their own collaboration with it, they’re providing further examples of both. Hinsliff says that “The whole thing stirs memories of a notorious attack on a woman on a train in Philadelphia in 2021. … a slowly unfolding horror that began with the attacker trying to strike up an unwanted conversation, then groping his victim, before finally progressing to rape.” Guess what? The rape was carried out by a Black called Fiston Ngoy, an illegal Congolese migrant who’d already committed sex crimes in America and who should have been deported in 2015.

A chain of bestial rapes

The Guardian didn’t mention Mr Ngoy’s Congolese origins, previous crimes or failed deportation in its own coverage of that rape in Philadelphia. But it did mention what it coyly called “the Kitty Genovese case.” Kitty Genovese was a White woman who was brutally raped and murdered in a public space in New York in 1964. That crime is still famous because it allegedly demonstrated the “bystander effect” and how city-life makes us reluctant to intervene in crimes.

Bestial Black Rapist #3: Winston Moseley

In fact, it didn’t show that at all. But it did show something else that the leftist media never want to talk about: the bestiality of Blackness. Surprise, surprise — that public rape was committed by a Black called Winston Moseley, who did so while his victim was dying from the stab-wounds he’d inflicted on her. So there’s a chain of bestial rapes in public spaces: London, Philadelphia, New York. And the rapes were all committed by Blacks. I’m reminded of a story about the great White psychologist and philosopher William James (1842-1910), who was supposedly told by a little old lady that the earth rested on the back of a giant turtle:

“If your theory is correct, madam,” he asked, “what does this turtle stand on?”

“You’re a very clever man, Mr. James, and that’s a very good question,” replied the little old lady, “but I have an answer to it. And it is this: The first turtle stands on the back of a second, far larger, turtle, who stands directly under him.”

“But what does this second turtle stand on?” persisted James patiently.

To this the little old lady crowed triumphantly: “It’s no use, Mr. James — it’s turtles all the way down.” (See “Turtles all the way down” at Infogalactic)

In the three bestial rapes, it’s Blacks all the way down. And super soaraway sub-Saharans like those will continue to plumb the depths of depravity in White nations until they become sub-Saharan not only in genetics but in geography too. In other words, Blacks have to go back to sub-Saharan Africa. They’ll continue to commit bestial crimes in the Motherland, of course, but that’s a problem Blacks have to fix for themselves.

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