Brandon Promotes “Israel Model” for the Ukraine! HA!

Brandon Promotes “Israel Model” for the Ukraine! HA!

Andrew Anglin

I thought the Ukraine was already on the “Israel model.”

They are a Jewish controlled country trying to steal other people’s land.

But seriously: this is an entirely new narrative, that comes after the fall of Bakhmut and then this lunatic “counteroffensive” that is seeing all American equipment just destroyed on sight, on a massive scale.

They are not going to be able to sell another push, so they are looking at options other than “unconditional surrender to Czar Putin.”


US President Joe Biden’s administration is reluctant to offer Ukraine full NATO membership and is instead pushing for the “Israel model,” meaning a time-limited commitment to maintain the flow of Western weapons to the country, the New York Times has reported.

The pledge would fall short of a collective defense guarantee, which Kiev and some Eastern European members of NATO are advocating, the newspaper said on Wednesday, citing officials familiar with the deliberations. A possible commitment to Kiev would be shorter than the ten-year agreement that is signed with Israel, the report suggested.

Opponents of Ukraine’s accession to NATO are concerned it would further escalate the crisis with Moscow. They have argued that by joining the organization, Ukraine would play “into [the] Russian narrative” about the nature of the conflict, according to the report.

Russian officials have described the hostilities in Ukraine as part of a US-led proxy war against their country. Moscow has called NATO’s expansion in Europe one of the key causes of the conflict.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky reportedly threatened to boycott the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, unless his country was given a roadmap to membership. The NYT sources said Germany was the only member of the military bloc that has fully sided with Biden on the issue.


Germany is the only one committing on a similar scale.

Actually, the scale of Germany’s commitment is much bigger than the US commitment, given that Germany has sacrificed their entire economy in the name of building an Anal Donbass. The US blew their pipes and they grinned and bore it.

Soon, you’re going to see more rollbacks on their previous assertions.

The “counteroffensive” are the newly trained troops, with all of the new equipment, and they are just being wiped the hell out. It’s incredible, the way they are just sacrificing all of this equipment, for no clear reason.

I was stunned by this tweet from Sunday – “well, we only lost 7% of all our NATO equipment in the last 7 days.”

If you’re losing 1% a day, you’re not really doing very good.

New narratives will begin rather quickly, as the public – including the powerful – are going to start really pushing back against these claims about the eternal Ukrainian march to victory.

Original Article


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