Building 7 Is Not A Magic Bullet

Building 7 Is Not A Magic Bullet

Or: why you cannot truth-bomb Normies into Awakeness

Back in the days when I was still considered safe enough to have my own ‘Me’ column in the Spectator, my brother Dick bumped into one of my more red-pilled fans at a party and got a bit of feedback. “Tell your brother he’s right on quite a lot of things, but he still has some way to go before he gets to the bottom of everything!”

“Like what?” I asked Dick indignantly, for even then I considered myself an-honest-to-God, without-fear-or-favour seeker-after-truth.

“He says you’re wrong on 9/11 for a start,” reported Dick.

“OK. Well where am I supposed to look?”

“Apparently it’s all down to Building 7. You need to look into Building 7.”

“OK,” I said. “I’ll look into Building 7.”

But of course I never did. Well not properly. Certainly not enough to experience the Road to Damascus moment that so many in the red-pilled community imagine is going to happen when you utter those two talismanic words ‘Building’ and ‘Seven.’

Some of them were at it again after a recent episode of London Calling, the weekly podcast in which I try unsuccessfully to persuade my good friend Toby Young that it really is a conspiracy not a cock up. “You should have mentioned Building 7,” one of them said. “He presented you with an open goal but you didn’t mention Building 7,” said another.

No I didn’t mention Building 7. Deliberately so. For Building 7 is not the magic bullet so many of its proponents imagine it to be.

Obviously now that I am down the rabbit hole, I understand the significance of Building 7. It’s the one that collapsed by itself without having been hit by either of the two (alleged) hijacked aeroplanes. This, according to Truthers, offers cast iron proof that the whole 9/11 operation was an inside job. If Building 7 was brought down by demolition charges – and it clearly wasn’t brought down by aeroplanes – doesn’t this call into question the entirety of the rest of the official narrative?

Well yes it does. But only if you are in the right mindset.

I refer you to my example from the beginning. When I first ‘looked’ into Building 7 I was still in my Normie phase. Even as I glanced cursorily at the details my mind was already making excuses as to why they didn’t matter: untrustworthiness of the websites propounding them; unreliability of witnesses; sheer outrageousness of the very notion that the US authorities might wish to wage war on their own people; etc.

If you are emotionally and intellectually invested in the Normie paradigm – which is also the mainstream paradigm, and the one to which the vast majority of people subscribe – then no amount of killer information is going to sway you.

As I’ve said before, you are never going to truth bomb Normies into awakeness.

And it’s not necessarily because they are stupid, or compromised, as we Awake types sometimes like to accuse them of being in our uncomprehending irritation. Rather it’s because their brains aren’t wired to perceive truths that we would consider blindingly obvious: the fact that Building 7 was brought down for nefarious reasons, for example.

Now suppose I’d tried mentioning it to Tobes, what do you think would have happened? I know exactly what would have happened because I’ve been playing this game long enough.

First, I would have had to explain what Building 7 was. Then what happened and why it was suspicious. At which point Tobes would have gone: “Now I get it!”

No, of course he wouldn’t. He would have asked me where I’d got my information. Then he’d have lightly but dismissively noted that he’d never heard of these people and that they certainly weren’t the same as his sources. Then the debate would have petered out into stalemate as it always does when the Awake attempt to truth bomb a Normie with killer facts.

Think about it: if it were down to killer facts we’d win the argument in no time. The world would be overflowing with red-pilled converts chanting: “Yes! Building Seven!! Now it all makes perfect sense!”

But that’s not how it works. Sure the truth is out there and there’s an awful lot of it. But a bit like the Holy Grail, which is only visible to the pure of heart, it can only be understood by those who have made the heroic journey.

When I mentioned that concept to Tobes he mistakenly took it – because he’s a PPE graduate and doesn’t really understand the nuances of language or literature – as a personal insult, imagining I was accusing him of cowardice.

I meant it more though as a metaphor for the personal quest in which you have to reject almost everything about the world that you thought you knew. And where then you have to embrace a scary new reality where it turns out things aren’t quite so cosy and ordered as you were brought up to believe. It’s not about ‘happily ever after’ but about a vicious, psychopathic, unimaginably rich, powerful and malign Predator Class hell bent on destroying you and everything you love just because they’re evil, they hate you and they can.

Until you reach this state of enlightenment – and it’s not exactly a comfortable or comfiting process – you’ll never be open to the truth underpinning most so-called conspiracy theories because you’ll never have got over the main stumbling block.

Unless and until you believe that something as depressingly horrible as the Predator Class actually exists, you’ll always find it more agreeable, and convenient to explain away their every monstrous act of war on mankind as just another unhappy accident. Just like Tobes does every week on London Calling. Just like all your Normie friends do all the time too. Yes, even when you tell them about Building 7.

Thanks for reading James Delingpole!

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