Donald J. Trump: The Catholic Choice For President

At a rally in Las Vegas, Donald Trump publicly acknowledged the ongoing persecution of Catholics in the United States. Discussing the trials faced by Catholics, Donald Trump remarked:
“Look at the Catholic Church, they’re persecuting Catholics. They’re persecuting Catholics. They are against religion, they are against so much that we stand for.”
After years of constant pressure from the left-wing secular media, Trump has finally called out the violent and aggressive persecution that Catholics have faced ever since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June of ‘22. Groups such as the ADL and SPLC have labeled conservative traditional Catholics as “religious extremists” and have even gone as far as going undercover to allegedly “expose the hotbed of extremism that is traditional Catholicism”.
“Adherents of radical traditional Catholicism, or “integrism,” routinely pillory Jews as “the perpetual enemy of Christ” and worse, reject the ecumenical efforts of the Vatican, and sometimes even assert that recent popes have all been illegitimate. These groups are incensed by the liberalizing reforms of the 1962-65 Second Vatican Council, which condemned hatred for the Jews and rejected the accusation that Jews are collectively responsible for deicide in the form of the crucifixion of Christ.”
The ADL has recently attacked several prominent Catholic groups and activists such as E. Michael Jones, LifeSite News and Catholic Family News accusing them of “antisemitism, racism, misogyny and bigotry” for proclaiming the Truth that is traditional Catholicism. On E. Michael Jones, the ADL writes that:
“E. Michael Jones is an anti-Semitic Catholic writer who promotes the view that Jews are dedicated to propagating and perpetrating attacks on the Catholic Church and moral standards, social stability, and political order throughout the world…”
It is refreshing to hear a politician, Donald Trump no less, defend the rights of Catholics to proclaim their religion in the public sphere as they are called to do under the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ himself. Catholics have a right under the first amendment of the Bill of Rights to publicly practice their religion without fear of reprisal from groups who are opposed to God and Christianity as a whole.
We must not forget that it was Donald Trump who nominated the three Supreme Court Justices that went on to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending abortion in almost half of the United States. More than 60 million babies have been murdered since the initial Supreme Court decision, a genocide that far exceeds any mass casualty event in modern history. It is likely that had Romney won the nomination, the satanic mass murder spree of the unborn would’ve continued for the foreseeable future.
If Donald Trump is not elected in 2024, this writer feels that the persecution of Catholics may reach a tipping point that can not be undone. Catholics of all stripes around the United States must pray fervently to God that His will be done, and that Donald Trump is given another four years in office in order to protect the Church from groups which seek to destroy her and all her faithful followers.