Dropping Out Of Hustler’s University

Dropping Out Of Hustler’s University

BREAKING: Andrew Tate has been banned from the ethnostate.

Andrew Tate and his impact have been a blessing to the human race. In the short time he has achieved this tiktok zoomer viral moment he has completely changed how people view women, censorship, and the dissident right as a whole.

Though the tactics to get there were motivated by money and fame, the redpill has now reached the urban youth. Tate’s lifestyle is cringe and antithetical to a lot of our core beliefs. I won’t deny that. I’m not going to harp on it either.

The goal is to win. To win you must reach as many minds as possible. To reach as many minds as possible you must be funny, cool, and provocative. Tate has accomplished this and brought the message of beating sluts to millions of young teens. The globalists can kill him and that won’t change a thing. The seed has been planted.
