Fmr IDF Soldier And Jewish Professor Bravely Intimidate Muslim Women at Pro-Israel Protest

Chris Menahan
The unmatched bravery of the IDF is beyond belief.
What noble and courageous behavior from this former IDF soldier Sammy Ben, and this professor at the “University of Austin” Jonathan Yudelman: really impressive use of physical intimidation and force against these women for their political
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 6, 2024
Here is one of them —-Sammy Ben, a U.S. citizen from LA, who is involved in serious war crimes in the occupied Palestinian
— Gaza Notifications (@gazanotice) May 6, 2024
He has fun with kidnapped Palestinians and video is recorded to share on social media.
— Gaza Notifications (@gazanotice) May 6, 2024
This is the other one. An abusive Zionist disguised as an academic!
Jonathan Yudelman
He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Boston College and from 2020-2024 held postdoctoral positions at Princeton, Harvard, Baylor, and Arizona State University.— Gaza Notifications (@gazanotice) May 6, 2024
These tough guys are not afraid to take on any women or children who get in their way — just like the IDF!
“You stand no chance, old lady!”
Pro-Israel rioters at UCLA acting like total cartoon villains
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) May 1, 2024
According to his bio on the Tikvah Fund, Dr. Jonathan Yudelman “earned a PhD from Boston College in political science, and holds an MA in philosophy and a BA in Jewish thought, both from the Hebrew University.”
The incident took place on Sunday outside of Arizona State University, where Yudelman is a professor.
ASU said in a statement that they’re “aware of the allegations against Jonathan Yudelman” and are investigating them.
“Dr. Yudelman is on leave and will remain so pending the outcome of the investigation,” ASU said.
“According to ASU’s course catalog, Yudelman taught two classes at the last school year: Great Debates in American Politics and Great Ideas in Politics and Ethics,” 12 News reported.
Professor Yudelman is clearly preeminently qualified to teach us all about ethics. Perhaps next he should teach a course on bravery?