Hitler’s Priest: The Anton Holzner Collection
$lave’s Note: Idk if this is sacrilegious. Either way might be worth checking out.
Anton Holzner (the pseudonym for SS-Sturmbanführer Albert Hartl) was a former
Catholic priest (!) who left the priesthood and the church and became an SS
officer! Two of his books, Eternal Front and Master Life, present the non-Christian
religious attitude often referred to as “gotgläubig”. His other two books, Priest
Power and God’s Law, reveal the methods of the priesthood. God’s Law provides
a fascinating portrayal of the six stages of his evolution: from fun-loving little boy
to rebellious cloister school pupil to exemplary theology student to idealistic
young priest to disillusioned older priest who leaves priesthood and church to
National Socialist! Her are his four books, translated from the Third Reich originals!