Inventing Political Victory

“The cowards never started and the weak died along the way.”
That quote is an oft-repeated mantra of Phil Knight, founder and chairman of Nike.
It expresses an attitude found only sparingly in a Western world that has grown utterly safe, like a padded cell.
Gone is adventure. Young men, who in generations past, would have ventured from the family home to seek adventure on the sea, glory on the battlefield, or treasure in the New World, feel trapped in their safe soul-sucking job while the cost-of-living noose tightens around their throat.
Thankfully, unmapped frontiers, victory, and wealth have not entirely disappeared, they have only been pushed beyond the reach of most men and into the heady realm of coding, product testing, resource allocation and creation. I am of course describing the turbulent world of entrepreneurial startups – a place where mankind’s ingenuity continues to be pushed to its limits with world-changing innovation as the aim.
Successful entrepreneurs are the men who move history in the 21st century, leaving conventional political operators lurching in their wake. Marc Rudolph revolutionised entertainment, Jeff Bezos revolutionised commerce, Steve Jobs revolutionised computing, Mark Zuckerberg revolutionised communication and Elon Musk revolutionised energy, cars, commercial transactions, and space travel.
Can a single modern bureaucrat’s achievements compare?
While the bold, the capable and the innovative have flocked to Silicon Valley and other hubs of adventurous innovation, Canberra, Washington and London have been emptied of their Menzies, Buchanans and Powells, leaving behind only power-hungry, unproductive leeches. We are witnessing the effects of this talent deficit today in countries across the West.
The Solution

Thankfully, the solution is clear. We require a new conception of politics and a new class of political operators, one cut from the same problem-solving cloth as entrepreneurs. We need the modern adventurous who possess the entrepreneurial instinct to be directed towards the national cause, and not solely their own personal gain.
This concept is not without precedent. Only a few years ago leftists were firing out one hit piece after another decrying the overrepresentation of highly-educated STEM students and professionals within the far-right.
Ron Unz is a perfect living example of this convergence; the multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur runs an online publication where he publishes his controversial articles, many of which pertain to nationalist concepts. Of course, it would be remiss of me not to mention William B. Shockley, Nobel Prize recipient for his contribution to the invention of the semiconductor, described by many as the ‘father of Silicon Valley’, who was an explicit White identitarian. Of course, tech is not the only field in which nationalists have excelled and many principles involved in pioneering new technologies translate across most upstart organisations and concepts.
It should come as no surprise that nationalism attracts the best and brightest. Despite the media smears depicting the ‘far-right’ as low-class thugs, the majority of ideological nationalists today are young, high-achievers interested in taboo truths and effective solutions.
This brings me to the main point of the article. We need to engineer a political solution to our civilisation’s plummet into a flaming crater.
When inventing a reusable rocket, Elon Musk spent billions of dollars and watched countless failures crash to earth. Each time he would push his rocket engineers to examine the failure and find where the fault in the rocket’s design lay, questioning everything except the laws of physics. After this, a frenetic rush to implement changes and rebuild what was destroyed followed, with engineers encouraged to take spectacular calculated risks. Several repetitions of this cycle ensued until Musk succeeded in his mission and changed space travel forever. We must hold the same ruthless determination to save our nations and in order to do so we will need to replicate Musk’s dedication to pragmatic, iterative problem-solving.
In order to solve any of the West’s problems, first we must find an effective method of placing individuals who comprehend the problems in their fullness into positions of power capable of solving said problems. Politics is the art of wielding power, and so a nationalist political ‘start-up’ needs to solve several core problems barring nationalists from gaining power.
The Diagnosis

To my eye there are two core problems that require solving; how can nationalists effectively attack our enemies in the political arena? and how can we fend off their attacks? While commercial motivations have driven rapid advancement in terms of technology and science, in the realm of politics superstition and convention reign supreme. Like in any startup, it will take guts to risk implementing new ideas – risks the establishment likely won’t take – which leaves the field wide open to younger, hungrier entities to sweep in and claim the prize. The following are my suggestions for potentially profitable, scalable and absolutely essential companies.
Politically attacking

The object of our political battle is to replace the corrupt, traitorous class of elites currently in power across all institutions with nationalists loyal to their God and nation, and so a company dedicated to this very task is essential. A variety of tactics can be employed to achieve this task, and it would be possible to build a company that incorporates them all.
First, the easiest improvement to be made is the importation of successful electoral and rhetorical strategies from overseas. Australia for example still appears to be stuck in the past in terms of political communication. ‘Stunts’ are still popular, examples include Katter’s pig costume to raise awareness about supermarket price rorting or Hanson’s burqa in parliament. I believe these stunts are a fixture of the past and are inferior to the tactics being employed by successful right-wing minor parties across the rest of the West.
To take a dive back in history, and at the American context, Nixon upended the outdated political communication style by employing the infamous ‘Californian ad-men’ to much success. In 2016, Trump made use of an emergent Twitter in a revolutionary way to catch the world’s attention, recently, various European hard-right parties such as Alternative for Deutschland, and National Rally have done much the same with TikTok. The closest example of similar advancements in Australia, though it is more of an import than an innovation, is the use of bombastic ‘American-style’ campaign techniques by Advance Australia which showed some proof of success in the No-vote victory the organisation contributed to.
With Australia’s major party’s backroom consensus to never discuss immigration policy broken by Albanese, the race is on to develop the most effective communication and policy for advancing immigration restriction. The establishment-supportive media has desperately attempted to guard against the so-called ‘importation of American culture wars’. Is this because the establishment is frightened of foreign cultures? Their support for multiculturalism and mass immigration suggests otherwise. Instead it is the establishment’s knowledge of the shattering effect values-based politics will have on the status quo.
Second, innovation and experimentation with party structure. I would like to draw special attention to the breakout stars in Australia’s 2022 Federal election; the ‘Teal Independents’. Funded by philanthropist Simon Holmes à Court, the Teal Independents used a hybrid between the strength of a traditional political party structure and the leanness of an independent candidacy to spring from one seat held to six, doing great damage to the established Liberal Party in Sydney. There exist enough wealthy conservative donors in Australia to create a right-wing equivalent that funded preferred candidates in both major parties, and promising minor party or independent candidates. The influence of such a group would push Australia towards nationalism over the course of several elections and incentivise the major parties to follow suit.
Politically Defending

We take it for granted that supporting nationalist politics comes with a tremendous cost. Anyone who stands to the ideological right of the mainstream puts themselves at risk of being banned from social media, slandered by the media, jeopardises their employment, scorned by family and friends and in the worst instances physically attacked by rabid leftists or minorities – all for an extremely slim shot at political victory. What man with bright prospects would accept that trade-off?
The solution is simple by difficult to implement sustainably. Nationalists need a dedicated, fearless and effective legal organisation willing to fight battles against the left and challenge the government’s increasingly ridiculous legislation. Ezra Lavant’s Canadian-based ‘Rebel News’ has demonstrated how profit-seeking lawfare can be used for great personal gain, a selfless nationalist alternative dedicated to legal activism is required. This would be a massive game-changer.

Adventure is still alive today, but it can only be found in the worlds of cutting-edge business, and high-risk dissident politics. We must begin to merge these two worlds and begin to put into action some of the ideas suggested within this article.
Nothing suggested in this article is unattainable. In one of the most challenging political environments on earth, the multi-sector ‘Solidarity’ company in South Africa has provided political and legal protections to the embattled White South African population with an efficiency that could not be expected of a political party. In the rest of the Western world where Whites are for now a majority our task is even easier.
Small groups of highly motivated, inventive young men have already changed the world several times this century, if any force can avert the fate of our civilisation, it will be men of this calibre working to do so. The question is, are you one of them?