It’s Not Too Late To Save The Trump Campaign

It’s Not Too Late To Save The Trump Campaign

If you haven’t heard, political commentator Nick Fuentes has called for Groyper War 2. His goal is to bring Donald Trump back to his former 2016 glory by applying pressure to the advisors that are misdirecting him. Sunday night he asked all Groypers to raid Twitter and Truth Social with hashtags and posts with the phrases “No More Immigration,” “No War With Iran,” and “Fire LaCivita.” These were the biggest hashtags on Truth Social, and these phrases were in the twenty trending on x.

Monday night he called on his followers to email Jason Miller, Susie Wiles, and Chris LaCivita (the main culprits for the campaign’s milquetoast aura) using the following template:

Dear Jason Miller and Chris LaCivita, I am a registered Republican voter in the beautiful state of _. I support Donald Trump, as I have for years, but I am deeply concerned about the possibility of yet another war in the Middle East, and also about the effects of mass immigration into the United States. I cannot in good conscience vote for Donald Trump until I am confident that he will put America First on those two issues. This is extremely important to me as a voter, and I will have to remain uncommitted and withhold my vote until Trump can give us reassurance that he will honor the promises he once made to us, the base that earned him the victory in 2016 and has the chance to do so again. I hope to cast my vote for Donald Trump in November, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

– An American Patriot

If you are unhappy with the Trump campaign’s current trajectory, now is the time to get involved. This is our only chance to save America from a Kamala Harris landslide victory. Get Twitter and Truth Social accounts, make propaganda, and volunteer for the campaign.

Check out the latest and greatest propaganda below:

