Joe Kent Is A Coward

Joe Kent Is A Coward
Made by CapriSonshi (@CapriSonshi) / Gab Social.

Joe Kent used America First and Nick Fuentes for his own means and as soon as things got a little uncomfortable he surrendered. This is not going to go without punishment. These sleazy politicians need to be held accountable and know that they can’t rise the groyper wave to the bank.

These are the upcoming Joe Kent events:

Tenino Townhall

Dates: 3/1 @6pm

Location: Violet Prairie Grange, 16998-16600 Violet Prairie Rd SE, Tenino

Washougal Townhall

Dates: 3/8 @6pm

Location: TBD

Onalaska Townhall

Dates: 3/9 @6pm

Location: Mason Jar, 637 Leonard Rd Onalaska

Questions to ask:

-Why did you disavow Nick Fuentes?

-Why does he think that religion is irrelevant?

-If you are America First, why the emphasis on Israel?

Watch the go off stream here



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