Let My People Go

Let My People Go

We are back on twitter! Elon Musk, as revenge for Rhodesia, has taken over twitter. We must day the n word. We must tell journos to kill themselves. We must call women ugly whores. Hail Elon, Hail our people, Hail victory!

The white man is back baby. Hell yeah dude.

From CNN:

LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva is the subject of national scrutiny right now.
On Tuesday he alarmed press freedom advocates by lashing out at a press conference and indicating that a Los Angeles Times reporter was under criminal investigation. Later in the day, he attempted to walk back his alarming comments, but it’s important to understand the background, including Villanueva’s highly controversial behavior and his attacks against the media.
Villanueva has repeatedly singled out LA Times reporter Alene Tchekmedyian, who is just doing her job by covering his department. Tchekmedyian has published a series of stories about an incident in which a deputy kneeled on an inmate — including an article on Monday regarding an allegation that Villanueva was implicated in a cover-up.
Both of the groups I hate the most, journos and cops, are at war here. I’m sure the cop is in the right and the journo is a libtard trying to let criminals out on the street. I don’t care. This adds to the war amongst our enemies and puts pressure on the system, we need more of that.


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