Musk Meets With Netanyahu in Israel for Atrocity Propaganda Tour

Musk Meets With Netanyahu in Israel for Atrocity Propaganda Tour

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Chris Menahan

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s charm offensive pressuring Elon Musk to censor more “anti-Semitism” on X continued on Monday with Musk traveling to Israel to tour the Kfar Azza kibbutz where Israel had falsely claimed Hamas beheaded 40 babies.

From The Washington Post, “Elon Musk meets with Netanyahu in Israel, tours kibbutz attacked by Hamas”:

Elon Musk met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday in Israel, where the pair toured the Kfar Azza kibbutz, one of the Jewish communities attacked by Hamas militants during their Oct. 7 cross-border assault.

After touring the scene of the violence, Musk was shown a video documenting some of the atrocities that took place, according to a conversation between the two men broadcast afterward on X, formerly known as Twitter. Musk said it was jarring to visit the site and troubling to see the joy on the faces of Hamas militants as they killed innocent people.

“It’s one thing obviously if civilians die accidentally, but it’s another thing to revel in the joy of killing civilians. … That’s evil,” Musk said.

Musk also rebuffed arguments that Israel has disproportionately killed civilians in Gaza, saying the actions of Hamas militants were intentional. “There is an important difference here, which is Israel tries to avoid killing civilians,” Musk said.

*Cue laugh track*

The Israeli government’s whole schtick about “destroying Amalek” revolves around killing civilians.






One of the people Musk shook hands with during his tour was Deputy Knesset Speaker Likud MK Nissim Vaturi, who recently called for burning Gaza.


Musk’s visit came a week and a half after he got into hot water for agreeing with a post on X criticizing Jews for pushing hatred against whites.

A host of large advertisers dropped their ads on X in response and this is presumably Musk’s attempt to get them back. ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt praised Musk last week for making a deal with him behind the scenes to censor terms like “from the river to the sea” and “decolonization” by classifying them as “calls for violence.”

Musk should have asked Netanyahu about the reports in the Israeli media that the IDF looted multiple kibbutzim after ordering their residents to evacuate in the wake of Hamas’ attack.

He also should have asked about the reports confirming Israel killed tons of their own people during the attack in the fog of war.

Musk on Monday also spoke with Netanyahu on a Twitter Space.

James Porrazzo shared highlights on X:

According to Channel 14 in Israel, some highlights of their conversation include:

– Netanyahu labeling Hamas as a “death cult,” asserting they would do more damage if they had the ability.

– Musk agreeing with Netanyahu’s characterization, expressing his concern over protests in favor of Hamas.

– Netanyahu proposed that working with aligned Arab countries, Israel will demilitarize, deradicalize, and eventually rebuild Gaza – a Gaza which poses no danger to Israel.

– Musk advocates for Israel to model post-war efforts in places like Japan, now an economic powerhouse, in the Gaza reconstruction once the threats to Israel are removed.

– Musk said he will personally assist in the rebuilding of Gaza after the war, but only AFTER an end to anti-Israel propaganda, remarking, “The propaganda against Israel must stop… I want to help rebuild Gaza after the war.”


“Musk’s visit has prompted backlash from some members of the Israeli media, who criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for hosting a man they view as antisemitic,” Semafor reported. ” ‘Hard to stomach welcoming someone who just days ago endorsed a virulently antisemitic trope, has dabbled for years in antisemitism and has turned this platform into a cesspool of hate,’ Amy Spiro, a Times of Israel journalist, wrote on X. The billionaire should be ‘persona non grata in Israel,’ Haaretz editor-in-chief Esther Solomon posted, adding, ‘Instead, Netanyahu — plumbing new depths of amoral sycophancy — gifts him a PR visit to the kibbutzim devastated by Hamas. Profane, venal, bilious, both of them.’ ”

“I highly doubt that a raging anti-Semite would go out of his way to fly to Israel to meet with the Israeli prime minister just a mile from Gaza,” Jewish activist Ed Krassenstein said on X. “Hopefully this puts an end to the accusations that Elon Musk is anti-Semitic. Yes he does say some things that I think go too far sometimes, but the man is the literal definition of a humanist. His goal is to help humanity survive as long as possible.”

“That is my goal,” Musk responded.

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