April 30, 1942
I naturally mistrust newspaper news from America. I grope in the mass of lies, knowing most of the sources are wholly UNtrustworthy.
It nevertheless seems to transpire, or expire that there is a difference of opinion between quite a fair sized number of Americans, and an equally large number of Jews, Jews-playfellows, and the bedfellows of Jews and of Jewesses, from Eve Curie to Lehman, and Lippmann.
The terms “interventionist” and “isolationist” do not seem to define the fronts clearly. Senator Johnson, I s’pose that is Hiram of Californy, be came warlike when Japan started in. Naturally, considering what state he represents.
BUT clarity has not come and will not come till an accurate census of the ORIGINAL bellifiyers is made and until every pro-war Jew has his name listed. I think the NON-war Jews (at least those who were non-war before the WAR started) will be found to be very, very, verrrreeee small.
In fact, apart from the thefts and extractions of the gang back of the Treasury music hail, it becomes increasingly difficult to discuss American affairs EXCEPT on a racial basis.
Whether America will awake to this now or in 20 years, will depend on Yankee enterprise, I suppose. Whatever you read in America, we read here that the Americans, U.S.A.’ers, are irritated at finding ’emselves in war UNPREPARED. Disappointed in British FLOP.
SOMETIME the Anglo Saxon may AWAKE to the fact that the Jewish kahal and secret forces concentrated or brought to focus in the unappetizin’ carcass of Franklin D. Roosevelt do NOT shove Aryan or non-yittlsch nations into WARS in order that those said nations may WIN wars. The non-Jew nations are shoved into wars in order to destroy themselves, to break up their structure, to destroy their social order, to destroy their populations. And no more flaming and flagrant case appears in history than our own American Civil War, said to be an occidental record for size of armies employed and only surpassed by the more recent triumphs of Warburgs, the wars of 1914 and the present one.
AGAIN, whatever your own press has been able to tell you, it is, or ought to be news, that Europe is interested in the question of Masonry. Nothin’ will come as a greater shock to America in general, but in particular to honest men who compose the greater part, numerically, of American Masonry, than the view held concernin’ that order in Europe.
An American said to me a short while back, “I’m a Mason, my wife is a Catholic, the kids goin’ to Catholic school, and a man would have to be pretty SMALL to let it (meaning his Masonry) interfere with his politics.” That, I believe, to be the attitude of 95% of American Masons.
No one in the United States will be more surprised at the talk of hook up between Masonry, its central control, Jewry, Anglo-Israel, and the British Intelligence Service [than will the rank and file of American Masons.] This is all NEW[S] to the rural American. Giraffe!! There ain’t no such animal.
Well now these scissions, these cuttings off of a NATION are damaging. I have told my select readers for years that England dropped behind, way behind France in all sorts of intelligent activity, book-writin’, etc., during the XIX century because she was CUT OFF from the continent of Europe for YEARS. During the Napoleonic shindies, Germany was sent into exile, or they tried to exile her after Versailles. I myself forgot what I knew of German language, not till I got het up and wanted to read Leo Frobenius, did I git my German dictionary out of mothballs. And I ain’t the worst case.
Now, isolations of this kind are BAD for a nation. George Santayana can’t send his manuscript to Scribner’s because of the war. That is one item, only one item. You’ll find out, brother. Interference with communications’ service. Rothschild, the stink of hell gittin’ hold of Austrian postal service and censorship in time of Napoleon. Hundred years after Austria is the dumbest, and LEAST mentally awake country in Europe, and FLOPS. France was awake, Rothschilds git into bank or stank of France in, I think, 1843. Inside a hundred years, France walks down her pirate Reynaud, and flops into the discard.
You’ll find out, brother, before or after the belly-flop. England is on the teeter. The central stink betrayed the United States in 1863. Keeping up the hostilities, keepin’ the rebels at it, divide et impera. Now the same bunch of Kikes is doing [it] in England. NOT for the benefit of the American people.
Sassoons baboons, Rothschilds, etc. migrating to the United States and stinking up the whole country, in the wake of Zukor and the other fine flowers of Semite culture.
Look at Litvinov’s face. The SOUL shining in beauty. Greek philosophy jettisoned, Justinian, jettisoned, the sense of LAW that built up all Europe, puked into the discard.
Sense of ENGLISH law, that was built up out of the Roman, puked into the discard. You will find out, brother, later or soon, and I should prefer it sooner, so as I should be able to meet some survivors.
Interested ONLY in Bunk, says the sheeny lawyer, seem’ what you can put over. Immoral geometry, Freud, Bergson, crawlin’ in through all the Crevices. HONESTY of [thought] in all and every department filched away, undermined, dry rotted, wet rotted. And simple hearted elegiac poets like Archie put out in front as top dressin’. No, brother, the American people will have to start askin’ questions.
WHAT ARE THE MASONS? Where do they git their money? And WHO controls ’em? Who is the big SILENT noise at their center?
WHAT is the British Intelligence Service? Secret Service? Fighting the British people? How did Willie Wiseman git there? Why don’t the OPPOSITON papers, papers that say they opposed Frankie Finklestein Roosevelt, why don’t they LOOK into these matters?
What is the KAHA[L]? Why don’t you examine the Talmud? Talmud, said to have corrupted the Jews. Some Jews disparage it. What is really said in the Talmud about creatin’ disorder? Why did the firm, publishing firm that printed the Protocols, go out of business?
Waaal, mebbe they went out of business cause they hadn’t enough sense GO ON printin’ me. But look into it. Don’t git excited until you have got some real evidence. There is a buildin’ outside of Washington, and so forth, go look at it.
Don’t start a pogrom. That is, not an old style killing of small Jews. That system is no good whatsoever. Of course if some man had a stroke of genius and could start pogrom UP AT THE top, there might be something to say for it.
But on the whole legal measures are preferable. The sixty Kikes who started this war might be sent to St. Helena as a measure of world prophylaxis. And some hyper-kike, or non-Jewish kikes along with ’em. I shall be content if I contribute my buffalo nickel to arouse a little sane CURIOSITY, a little healthy inquiry as to what causes the whichness.
Goethe was gittin’ at something when he wrote his play “Faust.” I can’t do ALL the researchin’ but thaaar, as I see it or feel it, is a field for proficuous research.
The error of philology in the XIX century was to split everything up into slivers, get a man concentrated on a small enough microscopic area, and mebbe you can prevent him seeing what it has to do with the next field, or with the national income, or with the health of the nation.
USEFUL, I am an authority on Arnaut Daniel, for example, any post graduate student can become an authority, very good exercise too, if he don’t get loco’d and buffaloed. If he don’t lose all capacity to incorporate what he knows, if he don’t see that it has or may have connections—may IMPLY something or other.
Just as the LOSS, the absolute loss of craftsmanship, the CEASING of the fanlights, the carving of the wood in the fanlights over the London house doors, IMPLIED something or other. Why did our colonial architecture, what is called our colonial architecture, go to pot? Wood carving, colonial cabinet makin’, I mean furniture making, not pickin Hulls and Knoxs, go to pot, American silversmith technique, why did it peter out? When do such things synchronize with other phenomena such as usury tolerance? There is WORK for all sorts and kinds of humans so long as the musician or glass blower carries his IDEA deep enough into it; the picture painter, if he carries his mind deep enough into it, will find that he is not alone, not isolated, solitary, has something to do; some revelation, VITAL relation with the rest of humanity.
Enough for this evening.