Oppression Olympics

Oppression Olympics

Mac Redacted

We’re all oppressed. But some love to cry foul more often than others. Those some, more than likely belong to marginalized groups. Blacks, queers, women, jews, blah, blah, blah. We know this stint.
But we also know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Everyone takes it upon themselves to declare even more injustice done to them and their people. More grease equals more attention. Grease comes in the form of legislation, reparations, restrictions, representation, etc.
Black and trans, you poor child how can we get more scholarships for you to go to school for free?
Fresh off the boat Cambodian who escaped snuck off on a junk boat to escape working for Apple for 3 cents a year? Please come inside and make yourself at home. Have some tea.
White man who feels that his concerns are just as legitimate as those listed above, but wants to make sure his people and family are secured in their home country too? HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SUGGEST SOMETHING SO INHUMANE AND CRUEL??? DON’T YOU KNOW THERE’S PEOPLE LESS FORTUNATE THAN YOU. YOUR VOICE DOESN’T MEAN ANYTHING UNLESS ITS FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T SPEAK UP……
SO. What happens when you start to run out of grease?
We know this is happening because the left is inherently self destructive. How do we know this? Allow me to explain.
In the 60s gays wanted the right to marriage. 40-50 years later they got it. Thanks Obama. But now the very diverse LGBTQ community is having a problem with it’s main champion, the gay white man, representing the group. So they publicly shun that. Need someone more gay, less white, less manly. There are some women who don’t view trans women as real women (or trans men as real men for that matter) they even have a cool name for it “TERF”, or, a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. So they get the shun. Sorry J.K. Rowling. Not every trans person agrees to be biologically male or female. They get the shun. Do we notice a pattern?
If you’re not the very specific mold of disabled, queer, tax exempted, black, muslim, catholic, trans, velociraptor, Starcucks barista, absolute most oppressed being (MOB), your voice shouldn’t speak for the community, you represent a privileged sector of it, and you should fuck off. That’s how the left at least with the army of fags enlisted in the LGBTQ army for example, self destruct.
There’s this prioritization of crying foul in the most marginalized of ways and not getting anything done with your political movement because when it comes to measuring things to that granular of a level, you really just end up representing a movement of about 4 people. At worst it’s ineffective and damaging. And best it’s pathetic and funny as all hell.
When looking at how oppression should be measured, one can obviously see that the extreme case of the MOB is a VERY oppressed person by many societal means. But why should we accommodate an entire country’s well being and very way of life towards only 4 people? It’s quite tyrannical to insist that idea be bestowed on 300 million people. Regardless if half are totally ok with subverting their life to this subhuman overlord in the making. It’s unrealistic and ridiculous to suggest as such.
If I may also take a play from the progressive’s playbook and use the “call everything racist” tactic. It’s also interesting to note that the pointing out of oppression, while done in vain to combat racism, demands its very nature to judging others based on one’s race, sex, sexuality, etc. And that is at the very essence extremely prejudiced, if not racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Picking up what I’m putting down?
Who’s more oppressed? A white woman in the disadvantaged south or a black man who comes from money in the north?
Who’s more oppressed a gay black man with 2 jobs or a single white mother of 3, post divorce?
Alright. Who’s more oppressed? A trans white person in $100k of student debt or a Syrian refugee escaping Aleppo with nothing but the clothes on THEY’s back? Yah you cisgendered fuck. I threw in a non-binary pronoun in there.
You find yourself pitted to judging the fuck out of these faceless beings. And not only do you not know who to help anymore, but now it’s revealed that there is ALWAYS going to be some kind of preference involved. Helping everyone in all of these circumstances is going to be a a battle so unrealistic in conclusion, that one doesn’t even want to fathom all the hurdles one has to jump to put these crybabies at ease.
Bottom line is this. The next time you hear talk about marginalized groups, privilege, oppression, remember that it almost always comes from a point of either being very condescending or envious in tone, depending on the voice speaking.
These people don’t care about anybody’s well-being but their own. And who could blame them? Looking after your own shouldn’t be considered a crime at all. But when white people do it, it’s viewed as a personal attack that should be neutralized instantly.
To suggest so, and have an overwhelming level of societal influence behind your back in support, only shows that these people aren’t truly oppressed. They are in far more powerful than their weak minds could even begin to compute.
They don’t equality, they want superiority. So ask yourself, why the hell should you, or anybody, give the sticks to someone so flawed in their thinking, with the majority’s interest not even remotely to heart?
They are only upset that life will be unnecessarily overwhelming for them because they chose to live their life by a few trendy labels, and now demand gratification and acceptance from everyone else because their family denounces them. They thought because they carried these labels they would simply be celebrated for their existence despite offering nothing of value in return. They are upset they took a bet with progressivism and really thought people would care about them just because they were different.
Follow their family’s suit. Disregard them as well.
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