Our Europe

Our Europe

Giorgio Pini

Editors note: this is not one of Yockey’s works but a work of Pan-European thought during the crusade to liberate Europe. This shows the mindset of Europeans during the war against the Outer Revolt.

When Europeanism meant Briand’s Pan-Europe, that is a hybrid combination of Masonic and Jewish corporate democracy, capitalism without a homeland and Bolshevism, all mixed in the shadow of French hegemony in turn dominated by England, we were clearly anti-European. We sided with the healthy people against that false Geneva Europeanism, the true Trojan horse of all the hostile influences to the autonomous vitality of the continent and to its ancient superior civilization.

Today an abyss separates us from that situation: Briand’s Pan-Europe vanished after the collapse of France, and the British, American, Jewish and Bolshevik influences vanished. Thanks to Italy and Germany, true Europe has been able to react in time, rejecting any protection, freeing itself from foreign political, economic and cultural influences; it has made a barrier against the Russian avalanche, it has energetically called its peoples large and small to a sense of defense and unity in common responsibility. The upheaval has succeeded, albeit at the cost of territorial sacrifices outside the continent, and now Europe is, as a fortress of civilization and of the spirit, ready for the extreme defense against the imminent attacks of those behind the screen of the immortal princes who seek to reduce it to servitude. . And here is Fascism at the forefront with National Socialism for the indefinite defense of Europe. Europe hinges on the Axis, nor in any case can the exiled governments paid by the enemies of our continent represent it.

This urgent and precise task of defense would be enough to justify the war in progress, a task that is both concrete and ideal so high as to deeply motivate these consciences to endure the hard sacrifice until victory for what it may cost.

The horizon is clear: we are for Europe, our enemies are anti-Europe. No ideological misunderstanding is possible anymore, so that the same advocates have had to give it up and speak openly of an assault on a European fortress to be capitulated in order to divide and dominate it. The worshipers of decadent, cosmopolitan, Jewish literature and art are reduced to silence, save for a few residual attempts at incorrigible isolated mentalities that will soon be overwhelmed by our spiritual reaction every day stronger. For the sake of clarity, we must add that Europeanism will not mean, either today or tomorrow, an indeterminate mixture of generic, molecular and chaotic tendencies of individual national contributions, but an organic planetary system which will have its central nuclei in predominant political, economic and spiritual tendencies. Everyone can understand what the influence of the Italian genius will be in the system as a whole, who continuously, from Rome onwards, guided the peoples to the top of the civil condition.

In relation to this setting of the facts, we participated in the international conference held in Vienna in the last days of June between the associations of journalists from all over Europe and Japan. We participated in it to affirm our faith in the Europe of tomorrow, victorious and free. And we have participated in it despite our ingrained bias towards conferences and assemblies of any kind. The conference turned out to be interesting as a meeting of personalities from journalism, those same personalities who have the very high task of guiding public opinion in every corner of the continent, from Spain to Holland, from Norway to Sweden, from Finland to Romania, from Hungary to Croatia, from Slovakia to Switzerland, from Italy to Germany.

Some moments of the conference were of lyrical solemnity, such as the one in which the old poet of the North, Knut Hamsun, appeared to the bystanders reverent to make an indictment against England; like when the German minister Dietrich delivered his speech which lifted our minds moved towards the future of Europe, drawing inspiration from the greatness of our past; a serious and exact discourse, pervaded by the sense of the drama of this historical hour, with the value of synthesis.

«We do not fight – said Dietrich – for empty concepts. Ours is a struggle for the very material and spiritual essence of human civilization, it is a struggle for the achievements of the six millennia of work of arm and genius; it is the struggle for the achievement or loss of all social progress, for the entire possession of the creations of human civilization and for the foundations of culture: it is the struggle for Europe, the struggle for all that Europe has given to the world and to humanity “.

Remember the words of the Portuguese historian Pimenta: “Unfortunately, America was neither a continuation nor a completion of European culture, but only its degeneration”, Dietrich continued, recalling that “everything that enriches the life and makes it worth living, arose from the European spirit; everything that was not born of this spirit has remained obscure and insignificant ».

And he went on to show the gigantic, immortal panorama of the European genius. It was impressive to hear the call of the greats who have shaped the history of the world, to hear the names of Galileo, Columbus, Marconi, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, Palestrina, Verdi, Dante and of D’Annunzio among the other major ones that are in absolute prevalence European.

Now that all this heritage is threatened, while the bells are ringing in flocks, the supreme task of defense is also incumbent on European journalists, as well as workers and soldiers. Bene concluded Dietrich: «We find ourselves in that moment in which we can and must, with our pen, penetrate effectively into the mechanism of history; alone each of us does not represent much, united in a single bundle the press of the nations represented here is an enormous force. We have the opportunity to forge our newspapers along the lines of an incessant call of conscience and to give our readers strength, vehemence and confidence in the struggle for Europe and for the destiny of humanity. If we find the strength to inflame the hearts of European men with the heat of passion for this noble purpose, then we will have accomplished our mission. Then future history will not note the great statesmen and the great generals, but also the great journalists who in the fateful hour of humanity were the standard bearers of truth, justice and freedom ».

Meanwhile, a list of journalists who, marching beyond their professional mission, gave their lives for the Cause was circulated among the participants in the conference. Once again we met the names of Giani, Palletta, Ricci, Vellani Dionisi and the heroic comrades who, together with one hundred other journalists, have fallen for the new Europe in which Italy will shine with the unsurpassed splendor of Rome.

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