Race-Hustlers Oppose Gang Data-Base

I’ll probably repeat this until I’m dead: despite the endless lip service and fruitless marches to “end the violence” in black communities, every time law enforcement introduces some technique to further that objective,
it’s aggressively opposed by black race hustlers and other apologists for black violence and criminality.
New York City’s phony black “leadership” now want the NYPD’s database of gang members abolished because 99.6 percent of its entries are niggers or some swarthy variant. Their real opposition to such a gang database is that it exposes THE ONE ethnic group that is SYNONYMOUS with violent crime in NYC, a fact they’ve labored to hide for 60 years or
more. Blacks prefer to see themselves portrayed as “victims” rather than
the perpetrators of all violent crime in NYC, the more accurate depiction.
The ironically-named Grassroots Advocates for Neighborhood Groups
and Solutions (GANGS,) is promoting a municipal ordinance (Bill 360-2022) to abolish the NYPD’s database, more commonly referred to as the Criminal Group Database (CGD.) This coalition consists of slimy lawyers
from the Legal Aid Society, the Legal Defense Fund, the Red Hook Initiative, and the Immigrant Defense Fund. Each group appears to have a vested financial interest in keeping its most dangerous clients out of
jail or prison, and seeing them returned to the streets.
One really stupid niggress complained that the NYPD is arbitrarily targeting minority youth, which she claims is a violation of their civil
rights. She also alleges the CGD impacts their ability to obtain public housing, enter job training programs, begin careers, or go to college. Like most nigra race-hustlers, she believes the REAL outrage is the existence
of the Criminal Group Database, not the violent crimes committed by nigger gangbangers.
She’s much too stupid or dishonest to recognize that gangbangers aren’t interested in jobs — which they consider “chump work” — they are primarily interested in dealing dope, jacking cars and shooting eachother.
The NYPD didn’t randomly or arbitrarily select those in the CGD by throwing darts at the New York Telephone Directory. If black gangbangers weren’t so dangerous and so inclined to commit violent crimes, they would not be included in the database and the CGD would be irrelevant to their lives. It’s their membership in criminal gangs and
the activities of those gangs that got them added to the database.
These race-hustling hypocrites not only want to abolish the CGD, their
bill would prohibit the creation of any similar database in the future. Currently, of the 16,000 individuals included in the CGD, 11,221 are nigs and 4,729 are Third World garbage from south of the border. That means 99.6 percent of those in the CGD are so-called “persons of color.”
In light of the hypocrisy of black leaders — and their refusal to provide anything but lip-service to the fight against black violence — why should police or any white person give a rat’s ass when niggers gun each other
down on the increasingly violent streets of our large, urban areas???
S. Holmes