Just why the campus Communist, the starry eyed idealist Communist, or realist Communist or Bill Bullit millionaire Communard, should suppose that Stalin is still leadin’ a world revolution instead of playing power politics on the old Romanoff model; well, I leave it to you.
Back before the American young stopped reading Tennyson’s Idylls of the King, or the Morte d’ Arthur, or The Tristan of Beroul, or M. Hillaire Belloc’s Avril, back then, I once called on old Harrison, sugar trust Harrison, and spoke of the S.P.C.A. Soc. Prev. etc. and he didn’t question the aims of that society. He said, who administers, meaning who handles the funds of the society, and administers?
Well, do you watch the course of events? Of course most of you do not. But why should the proletariat dictate BY means of a secret committee of furriners? Why should the proletariat not dictate locally by means of itself? Why should it be administered by foreign agents, and men of alien race?
Yes, I know—those of us who are older [know?]—my meeting with Harrison was before a Jewish administration had provided the U.S.A. with an army for export. Points of arrival not designated. And George Washington said peace can not be founded on racial antipathies. So the BBC says you must hate the Germans, that is regular Semite logic. From the mouth of the babes and the suckers.
Well, DID you notice how quickly the propaganda for eugenics degenerated into birth control? And race suicide? And how quickly romanticism was replaced, well perhaps that was a slower rhythm, to get to the gang shag? First was Mme. Bovary, and Hedda Gabler; and the romantic hero was to rescue Mrs. Jones from the tedium. And then the bright young Communard was out to rape as many young ladies as possible, and health declined, and [there] was contagion. Well that didn’t date from the Communist revolution. Was it a Communist revolution? Or are you all mixed up, as the pencil seller said to me in Washington?
And another case, the white haired boy of the American communists, cause perhaps he didn’t think very clearly, and vaunted a Jewisch ancestor. Anyhow, when I tried logic on him, re his commrade, he said; “But did you ever know a Communist [to] think?” Meaning have you ever encountered a Communist who would think?
Well, in a way, and in a way NOT. First eliminate religion, and then eliminate thought from amidst the goym. Are they cattle? Do cattle think?
I don’t know where to find a susceptible spot in the American or English brain, one whereinto one could inject a little historic curiosity? But what caused the antipathy between Christians and Moslems? And the Crusades, to rescue the sepulchers of a Jew in Jerusalem? And were the Masons incited against the Catholics? [The] normal American Mason is the type of friendly fellow who says to you: “Shucks, I’m a Mason and my wife is Catholic and the kids going to Catholic school, and I think a man would have to be pretty small to allow it to have an effect on his politics.”
That is the soil prepared. Some drop out or stop going to lodge meetings. Some feel bound by their oaths. And not one in a hundred thousand won ders about the central control. Penetration? Get into all parties. BUT why, if the auditor is a Communist, should he want a Communism administered by a foreign committee of plutocrats, whether of his own race or some other? It is the question about local control. Communism has been tried, as one wearies of repeating, in America, under favorable conditions. But there is a gap, a sudden collapse from the idea of owning all property in common, and the effect of one’s owning anything whatsoever but being constrained to work like heelll for the state. Ain’t that funneee? Well, is Stalin leading a world revolution? And if so, why so? Or is he playing at power politics?
Why not revolute? Why should world revolution need a foreign secret committee? Why revolute at the command of Mr. Finkelstein? Is America unable to go Communist without Finkelstein? Is England, are the young saps of Cambridge unable to revolute without Maisky to help them? Or is there a touch of insincerity somewhere in the wangle? As a producer, I can go Communist, the artist can go Communist without trouble. But why all the trimmings?
[Just?] as I can accept the idea of some Catholic economists, but I can not accept all the trimmings, and so with Mr. Bullitt’s Communist leanings. Undersell private business; sell the nation’s industry short, go into national bonds, BEFORE the slump in industrial shares? Yes, yes, very clever, and when industrials have slopped from 100 to 3? Then you come out with the national money and buy ’em up at the fire sale.
Dulce et decorum est. Lovely to die For the Prudential Insurance Co. which has the strength of Gibraltar. To be exported as so much dead meat in order to extend the Russian or Semitic control from Moscow down to the Persian Gulph? But is it sensible?
Debt is the prelude to slavery, and what about the freedom to keep out of debt? That dead fish Sumner Welles does not tell you about THAT sort of freedom. The yellow-livered traitor to the American honesty does not mention that sort of freedom. None of the Lehman-Baruch productions talk of that sort of freedom. Nor of course do your Jew-begormed British allies who will not certainly win this war on their character, not on the personal fascinations of Beaverbrook and the B.B.C. whiners and threateners.
WHAT are you doing in war at all? What are you doing in Africa? Who amongst you has the nerve or the sense to DO something that would conduce to getting you out of it, before you are mortgaged up to the neck, and over it? Every day of war is a debt day, as well as a death day. More debt, more future servitude, less and less of American liberty of any variety? Less liberty to ride in your cars: to post letters. Oh yes, censorship, when Rothschild got hold of the Austrian postal service in the time of Napoleon, censorship was used for commercial espionage. As nowadays, always the same bischniz houses, and the same leading chewish names, except when they change ’em. The Freudian Jews, paralyzing the nucleus of will in his goyim victim. The unFreudian chewess eating like a boll weavil into the creative will of her victim. The psychology, well, do a few monographs on the psychology of mixed marriages. You needn’t proclaim your object at first. You need not go far enough to lose your professorship. But you can at least do a little prospecting. In psychology, the aim at getting control, getting power over others, by personal contact. As distinct from the desire for competition. Not boxers but referees, who decide the contest in some cases, where the purse is heavy, or not, as the case may be. Well, is Mr. Stalin playing materialist idealism and idealist revolution against idealism and against ideology? Or is it just the same power politics? And isn’t it lovely? And debt is the prelude to slavery. And freedom to keep out of debt will not be a tea table subject on the Jew radio or in Roosevelt s regime.