Russian National Unity: Ideology, Rise and Fall.

Orthodox Nationalist

Russian National Unity is the First All-Russian Orthodox, National-Socialist Movement founded at the end of 1990 under the leadership of Alexander Petrovich Barkashov and Viktor Mikhailovich Yakushev.

History of RNE
Barkashov was originally a member of the National Patriotic Front “Pamyat'”, but split from it with a group of associates to form RNE. Why did Barkashov split from Pamyat? In an interview with 600 Seconds journalist Ilyin in 1993, Barkashov said that he had joined Pamyat in 1985 in order to take advantage of the situation and recruit people for his future organisation there. It is impossible for us to judge exactly what Barkashov’s real motives and reasons were – there is a wide variety of opinions on this matter. But it was his organization that defined the shape of the 1990s era of nationalism, because after 1993, after a “billion” of splits and splinters, Pamyat began to lose in number and scale to the RNE, which replaced Pamyat in its status as the number one organization for nationalists in terms of prominence. Particularly after the events of 1993, in which the combined squad of 150 people from all over the country took a very active part (which almost became RNE’s “march on Rome” – I recommend the book “RNE in the White House” for those who are interested). In the event of the Supreme Soviet’s success in its confrontation with Yeltsin, its leaders promised Barkashov’s organization the status equivalent of a civilian paramilitary guard with police functions. Barkashov was a close aide to V.A. Achalov (Deputy Minister of Defence of the USSR and Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, according to the Congress of People’s Deputies), while in an interview in 2013 he stated that he simultaneously had connections in both the Kremlin and in Yeltsin’s Ministry of Defence.

After the events of 3-4 October 1993 on the streets of Moscow (when, among other things, RNE conducted the seizure on behalf of President (according to the Supreme Soviet) A.V. Rutskoi of the Moscow City Hall and guarded the “White House”, where deputies opposed to the establishment of Yeltsin’s dictatorship sat) – RNE found itself in a difficult situation. The organization was temporarily banned, Barkashov was put on the wanted list and then under arrest, many RNE members were forced to emigrate, several comrades-in-arms were killed. The situation changed after an amnesty, which was extended to all defenders of the Supreme Soviet in February 1994. The nationwide fame of the organization brought many new people from all over the country into its ranks.
It cannot be said, however, that RNE was not under pressure from the authorities thereafter. In 1995, individuals believed to be connected with the Presidential Security Service force Barkashov to apologize to Jews and blacks, and on pain of being shot on sight, a video is circulated among RNE members to discredit the organization. In 1999, RNE is banned from holding a congress in Moscow, and in the same year it is removed from the elections as part of the Spas bloc for no formal reason. RNE Omsk was banned in 2002, Tatarstan in 2003, and Ryazan in 2008. The turn of the 1990s and 2000s is marked by numerous arrests and criminal cases for RNE comrades-in-arms. The final suppression of this structure as a politically active force dates to the next era, when on May 9, 2005 SOBR attacked participants of the organization returning from a rally, the leader of the Moscow branch D. Maslov was sentenced to several years (died after the release from tuberculosis), and RNE headquarters was vandalized; in the same year in 2005 Barkashov was arrested and spent 2 years in prison.

RNU ideology
In general, the ideology of Russian National Unity included fascist elements and was similar to the program of the All-Russian Fascist Party of K. V. Rodzaevsky created in 1930-40 and, unlike many Russian national organizations, was not reactionary, but stood on National Socialist principles , while the software base was not like any other, from similar organizations of that time. Among other things, it included an integral tradition – Slavic Culture and Orthodox Christianity, the idea of Mystical Nationalism, the struggle between good and evil, the people of the God-bearers, with the people of the God-fighters, as the foundation of the whole Idea. RNU departments were created under the omophorion of the Catacomb Church and with its blessing, following the model of the Oprichny Brotherhood of Ivan the Terrible.
“The highest, metaphysical, absolute Goodness is God; its manifestations are naturalness, regularity, order, supreme justice. Metaphysical, absolute evil is the devil; its manifestations are artificiality, lawlessness, chaos.
Throughout history, various peoples have formulated fundamentalism for themselves and have tried to become a Nation in the service of God. The Russian people have achieved the highest success in this. Over the past millennium, having formulated a national-religious worldview – Orthodoxy, the Russians built an empire based on supreme justice, which attracted various peoples to it. The entire history of the formation of the Russian Empire testifies that the Russians were guided by the highest ideals, even if their well-being suffered.
No wonder the clergy called Russia Holy Russia – the foot of the Throne of the Lord. The Russian People are the God-bearing People (that is, those who carry God within themselves).
Were there (and are there) peoples guided in their national life by other principles? Yes, they were and are. For example, the Chinese are guided by dualism. This is a statement about the equivalence of good and evil, which allows you to act in each specific situation, based on mercantile considerations.
Then there is Israel. Suffice it to say here that in Hebrew, “Israel” means “who fought with God, the God-fighter.” Today, the whole so-called “Western civilization” led by the United States is distinguished by theomachism. The Council of Deputies did not differ from them either. How did it happen that Orthodox Russia, Holy Rus’, turned into a God-fighting Council of Deputies?
For a normal human psyche, absolute evil, lawlessness, chaos are unacceptable.
Therefore, evil and its bearers, first of all, try to erase the clear boundary between Good and evil, letting in a philosophical fog here. That is, with the help of philosophy destroy religious fundamentalism. This is followed by the equalization of Good and Evil, and then – the statement about their mutual necessity, equivalence, (dualism). Further – unbelief, denial of God, Satanism, materialism), which gives rise to theomachism. There remains one last step to the conscious, ritual worship of absolute evil – the devil. Worship in order to achieve with his help all earthly blessings. But this step – unlike many other peoples – the Russian People will not take: moreover, it will not allow many other peoples to take it.
In the depths of the Russian genotype lies God-bearingness, the service of absolute justice. The revival of the Russian Nation and, consequently, the Russian Statehood on these foundations is now taking place at the metaphysical level.” – from the ABC of the Russian Nationalist, Alexander Barkashov.

Mystical nationalism, the last crusade.
Despite the efforts of the “international financial oligarchy” to make “general people” out of all peoples, to bring out the so-called “gray race”, which will be convenient for “world government”, the national movement, or, to put it more simply, nationalism, is gaining more and more importance and development. It can be said in another way that it is precisely as a result of the efforts of the “international oligarchy” aimed at the destruction of the national characteristics of nations and peoples that national movements are strengthened as a natural and defensive reaction. National movements are generated by a combination of external and internal circumstances affecting peoples. Such circumstances are: the humiliation of national dignity by the outside world, social injustice and political discrimination in domestic politics, as well as many others.
Today it has become obvious that all these circumstances are the result of the policy pursued by the “international financial oligarchy”, aimed at subordinating the entire World to the power of the “world government”. Since all circumstances are outwardly purely materialistic in nature, the national movements that arise under their influence set themselves the same material and rational goals: to achieve social justice and foreign political equality.
In fact, the social well-being of a single people within the framework of the modern “progressive civilization” is impossible for the reason that the “progressive civilization” was created for a long time precisely with the aim of subordinating and exploiting peoples. That is why all the regimes based on materialistic nationalism (national socialism, national corporatism, etc.) failed to achieve their goal, namely the well-being of a single nation within the modern “progressive civilization”. All this civilization acted against them.
Past examples are Mussolini’s Italian fascism, the Franco regime in Spain, the Antonescu regime in Romania, the Salazar regime in Portugal.
In modern conditions, materialistic nationalism becomes even more subordinate to the Masonic “progressive civilization”, and, consequently, for the most part becomes controlled by the “international financial oligarchy”. An example of this is the activities of numerous nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations in the United States, Germany, France, England, Italy, and even in Russia. Basically, this activity comes down to confrontation with natives – immigrants from other countries, belonging to another people or race. For example, in Germany, nationalists commit political and physical actions against Turkish immigrants, in France – against Arab immigrants, in Russia – against immigrants from the Caucasus, in the USA – against blacks, etc. There are no words, if a stranger behaves impudently in your house, then it is simply necessary to teach him to behave correctly. But if this is the only and main activity, then it is useless. Immigration is planned by the “international financial oligarchy” and provided by corrupt leaders of states, therefore, immigration is just a consequence of such a policy. Whoever struggles with the consequences is doomed to a futile struggle. It is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the root cause that gives rise to them. The root cause is, as mentioned above, the activities of the “international financial oligarchy” in order to establish a “new world order”, as well as the actions of corrupt state authorities. Why the authorities are being sold is understandable – they expect to enter the so-called “world elite” under the “new world order”. The motivation is highly questionable. One example is Pinochet, who acted absolutely in the interests of the United States and the “international oligarchy”, but as unnecessary, even being sick and old, was left to the mercy of the “democratic-minded crowd.”
A closer example is the figure of P.P. Borodin, who was Yeltsin’s closest ally and participated in the pro-American policy in Russia. Today, as unnecessary, he toils in an American prison, awaiting trial in Switzerland.
Returning to the topic, let’s ask ourselves, what should nationalism be like in order to win? This raises another question: what is the victory of nationalism? It is obvious that the victory of nationalism is not that the sausage will be cheap, but that the “world community” “will begin to respect us.” The victory is that nationalism must change from materialistic to mystical!
Mystical Nationalism perceives the Nation and the World as a battlefield between the Forces of God and the forces of the “prince of this world” – the devil. The modern “progressive civilization” with its desire for “world integration”, “new world order” headed by a “world government” is the power of the “prince of this world” – Antichrist.
Based on this, Mystical Nationalism must concentrate all its forces on the fight against the “new world order” and on the fight against its servants and servants who are trying to impose this order on all peoples. These servants and acolytes It’s not hard to see the Antichrist. Proceeding from this, Mystical Nationalism considers the Nation not as an object of “social salvation”, but as a carrier of an archetype, potentially capable of joining the ranks of the Army of Christ for the last battle with world evil – the “new world order”, “world government” and its highest form – antichrist.
Raising and rallying the Nation for this battle is the main goal of Mystic Nationalism. Not the temporary and relative well-being of an individual Nation in the system of a satanic and dying civilization, which provokes the baseness of human passions, killing the Souls of People, but the crushing of this civilization is Mystical Nationalism.

1993: Russian “March on Rome”
October 3-4, 1993. Popular uprising in Moscow against the pro-American regime of Yeltsin. Then people rebelled, including for the sake of having a Constitution and rights. The uprising was brutally suppressed. As a result, today the people still do not have a Constitution and rights, and everything continues to be controlled by “decrees”.
“…” By the middle of 1993, the Russian National Unity actually became an All-Russian organization with an extensive network of regional branches associated with a center of strict discipline, which achieved a high quality level of theoretical and combat training of members of the Movement. We did not rush to television screens and newspaper pages, we did not shout at rallies of the patriotic opposition, but, doing everyday painstaking and sometimes monotonous work, we forged ranks of iron fighters throughout Russia.
The events of September-October 1993 in Moscow, which quickly determined the significance of each of the representatives of the so-called opposition, became a real test of strength for the RNE. The participants in the events still recall with laughter about all those paper “fronts” and “cathedrals”, parties and party women who rushed with magnificent slogans to the White House. Zyuganov-Anpilov old women, holding three red flags in their hands, sad Sterligov, who alone represented the entire Russian Cathedral, a whole corps of six volunteers from the Russian Legion, menopausal ladies “with Lenin in their heads”, each of which was a district committee of the CPSU, a hundred Cossacks from all Cossack troops …
The RNU Central Council decided to send a small group of 300 Muscovites to the White House. But two days later, the ranks of the defenders of the parliament were replenished with our volunteers from Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Belgorod, Orel, Krasnodar and Stavropol. We left for Moscow, but could not break through the police cordons of groups from Vladimir, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg. The RNE detachment guarded the underground communications of the White House, the floor on which the Defense Headquarters of the Supreme Council was located, maintained order in the area cordoned off by the police and tightened by the “Bruno spiral” around the building, identifying provocateurs and detaining violators of order. The RNE fighters quickly became a model of order and discipline among the various defenders of the parliament, especially on the last day of defense, when inside the building, shuddering from explosions, shot through through the building, blocking the dark corridors with barricades of safes and tables, our guys retained courage and calmness, ready to die, but not retreat. All of us were perfectly aware during these hours of what awaits us in the event of the capture of the White House by the storming troops. Orders given by police and army radio stations left no illusions about the plans of the enemy. We were ready to stand to the end and die in these dark corridors, remaining true to our Duty to the Russian Nation on the Field of Honor, following the order received from the Russian National Unity. It was during these hours that the RNU fighters came in handy with the skills of constant training, disciplining a person, training his body and will, developing the ability to instantly respond to commands and emerging danger, which sometimes saved people’s lives. Thanks to these skills, even under heavy fire in the most dangerous areas of defense, the losses were minimal, and our Will and Unity, Dignity and Honor of the Russian Man won a moral victory in an unequal battle, allowed the members of the Movement to endure the brutal bullying and beatings that the arrested were subjected to, but not broken fighters.
Only on the battlefield indicated by the enemy – on the Field of Honor – could one defend one’s Dignity, Dignity and Honor of one’s Nation. Russian National Unity did not come to the Supreme Soviet or the “White House”, we came to Our Field of Honor, which was assigned to us by a mocking enemy, the enemy of Our God, the enemy of Our Nation, the enemy of Our Fatherland.
We could not but come to this Field. As far as I can tell, not only the members of our organization were guided by this motive, but so were most of the rest of the Defenders. And in vain do various political scientists think that we did not understand what was happening and turned out to be “pawns in someone else’s game.” If they read our newspapers and other propaganda materials, they should understand that we understand the secret driving mechanisms of world politics better than any Kurginians.
We did not come out against Yeltsin and his entourage, and not for the Supreme Soviet. We have come out against the very enemy who has long been trying to destroy Our Fatherland with the wrong hands. And we were not “pawns in someone else’s game” – we knew where and why we were going. Unlike the Zyuganovs and Zhirinovskys, we could not stand aside – Russian Honor leaves no choice! – Alexander Barkashov.

Why do RNE comrades wear black shirts?:
The world anti-national forces that seized power in Russia in 1917 are making the final push for the final enslavement and enslavement of Russia, and, if possible, the destruction of the Russian People as a nation. The beginning of the implementation of this plan was called “perestroika”, and, as Gorbachev said: “Perestroika is the next stage in the development of socialism in our country.”
Until now, forces hostile to the Russian People have acted in our country through intermediaries or covered themselves with various masks: Bolsheviks, liberals, communists, intellectuals, Trotskyists, democrats, internationalists, reformers, etc. Thanks to this, the enemy successfully operated against the Russians, while maintaining the necessary anonymity.
The greed, haste and arrogance with which our enemies rushed to ruin and pull apart Russia during the perestroika period forced them to discard both masks and intermediaries. From that moment on, the anonymity of the enemy disappeared for the Russian people, the same anonymity that until now had fettered the protective functions of the national organism. Now it is becoming more and more obvious that the revolution of 1917 and the current perestroika are links in the same chain. They have one common goal and are carried out by the same forces. In all its fullness, its seventy-four-year history appears before the Russian people, the true faces and names of the Bolsheviks, who committed an unprecedented racial genocide against Russia, against the Slavs, emerge. More and more clearly behind the backs of these Bolsheviks and the current “democrats” looms a parasitic “Western civilization” led by the United States, and above all of them the Jewish financial oligarchy.
All current events are a clear illustration for the Russian People, a clear confirmation of the total war that the so-called “civilized world community” has declared to them. Other peoples, both near and far, are not horrified by what they have done to Russia in 74 years, but strive, taking advantage of the situation, to grab more from the “Russian Pie”, and at the same time push the Russians even more painfully. All this is happening as if in order to confirm the validity of the words of Emperor Alexander III over the centuries: “… Russia has no friends.”
Slowly, but inexorably and inevitably for our enemy, the reaction of the Russian People is coming to everything that the world anti-national forces have done to them during the years of the so-called Soviet power. The question involuntarily arises: “What will be the reaction of the Russian people?” With complete certainty, only one thing can be said – this reaction will be natural and adequate to what was done to us. In full accordance with the law of physics – the force of action is equal to the force of reaction.
If a person feels that someone has climbed into his pocket, then he instinctively grabs someone else’s hand that is in his pocket. Such a reaction will also be natural, subconscious and adequate to the situation that has arisen. After all, no one will wave their hands, as if swimming, when they climbed into his pocket.
Are there examples in history when peoples found themselves in a situation largely similar to ours today, after perestroika? I must say that in the West today they compare today’s Russia with the humiliated Weimar Germany, and they say so – Weimar Russia.
We know what the reaction of the Italian, German and Spanish peoples was in response to national humiliation and to attempts to destroy the national state from within, under the guise of democracy, internationalism, liberalism, socialism. This natural reaction occurred in Italy in 1922, in Germany in 1933, in Spain in 1936. The national humiliation and genocide experienced by the Russian People is incomparable with the humiliation experienced by Italy, Germany and Spain combined. Today we can state that the corresponding reaction in the Russian people has already begun and its development is irreversible. It is this reaction that our external and internal enemies are most afraid of, because it is their death, but salvation for us.
First of all, they are trying to instill in us the irreversibility of the collapse of our state, as well as the fact that we simply cannot survive with the help of the West, although it is obvious that it is the West that will wither in the event of a cessation of the supply of our raw materials.
The next direction of suggestion is the armed forces. The psychological attitudes are as follows: the army is divided, demoralized and incapable of anything.
And, finally, they are trying to convince us all that the Russian nation is no more. The emotional coloring of these attitudes ranges from brazenly aggressive statements to affectionately regretful statements. It’s a pity, they say, but what can you do. With the help of mass psychological suggestion, they are trying to fetter the will, and therefore, the capacity of the Russian people precisely in those areas of its mental maturation, the development of activities along which is most dangerous for our opponents.
The question would be appropriate – is it possible to resist and win, given that our enemy has in the hands of the main part of the media, which serves to the main factor for strengthening psycho-suggestion, turning it into a weapon of mass influence ”In order to answer this question, we will consider the technique of psycho-suggestion and the prerequisites and conditions necessary for it. The methods of mass psychosuggestion are simple, they are based on the elementary technique of ordinary speech and visual hypnosis and are quantitatively amplified by the mass media. The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the necessary information is wrapped in appropriate phrases and repeated many times with a certain intonation. A person familiar with the technique of hypnosis knows that the success of both individual and mass hypnosis depends on the predisposition of the subject, that is, on the desire to be hypnotized.
Now we move on to the main thing: what we need to do first of all in order to win the psychological struggle. First, we must, in spite of all the efforts of burring hypnotists, show the Russians that our nation is alive! To do this, the most strong-willed, young, capable of discipline and self-organization part of the nation must demonstratively show itself to its people. What external forms will be effective for this. ”Since it is already obvious that an undeclared war is being waged against the Russian people, the justified way to show oneself, while demonstrating unity, is to wear a paramilitary and uniform uniform. It is the national movement in paramilitary form that makes the national idea visible and concrete.
The very fact of the emergence of a paramilitary national movement already stimulates the will of the people to fight and destroys the enormous psycho-hypnotic efforts of our opponents. Therefore, the appearance of a national movement in paramilitary form most of all frightens the enemies of the Russian people. That is why the first thing we must do to win the psychological struggle is to put on this uniform.
Previously, in Rus’, warrior-monks marched in the forefront of the troops, who instead of armor had only black cassocks, thus the monks inspired the entire army, showing that the power of faith is stronger than steel spears and swords and more reliable than a shield. In addition, their black cassocks spoke of a voluntary renunciation of commercialism and fuss in order to achieve a higher goal. Alexander Peresvet and Rodion Oslyabya were such warrior-monks on the Kulikovo field.
Today, when our fatherland is desecrated, the people are humiliated and the enemy is in charge of our land, can we, the Russian people, live with momentary, vain interests and worries ”The heart says – we can’t. And therefore, our black shirts testify to the voluntary rejection of vain pleasures and worries for the sake of a higher goal – the liberation of Russia!
Our black shirts and paramilitary uniforms are a national act of will! Today, when all oaths have been destroyed, those who put on a black shirt, as it were, swear allegiance to the Fatherland and the Nation with the words: “Russia or Death!”

RNU has undergone its rise and gradual degradation, despite the excellent ideological and ideological base, activism and popularity among the Russian people. The reason for the gradual degeneration of the movement lies most likely in the departure from the National Revolutionary concept and in the gradual rapprochement with the state structures of the Russian Federation, which led to the introduction of many agents of the anti-Russian regime in the RNE and decomposition from within the organization itself. A.P. Barkashov always used the expressions “our army”, “our special services”, “our state”. This is what Boris Alekseevich Smyslovsky-Holmston wrote about when criticizing the NTS (it doesn’t matter whether it’s far-fetched or not) that when using the expressions “our army, “our state” in the address of the USSR, these are people who actually associate themselves with it, which is extremely unacceptable for those who are fighting for the liberation of Russia. Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin wrote about something similar, about the inadmissibility of equating national Russia and the USSR.
In these eras, in fact, half a century, 1956-2002 – many Russian nationalists within the USSR, the Russian Federation, being even the most ardent anti-communists and fighters against the system (but who grew up in it, being unconscious even carriers of certain views), confused the interests of the Russian people and the anti-Russian regime, and, based on this, they could support certain steps of the state aimed at strengthening it (and, as a result, strengthening the anti-Russian oppression). Unfortunately, this is true for many associates of the commanding staff of “Memory” and the RNE, in the most grotesque form this manifested itself in the activities and partly the ideology of the NBP Limonov (later “The Other Russia” (banned in the Russian Federation) Limonov).