Tech Right, Anti White

If it wasn’t already clear before, it is now: The Tech Right, who have completely captured the 2024 Trump administration, are America Last, pro mass immigration (from India), and anti-free speech.
In late December 2024, there was intense debate on X (formerly Twitter) between what has been called the “Tech Right” (including “Little Tech”) and the America First Right-wing. The debate came in response to Trump’s recent nomination of Sriram Krishnan as a senior policy advisor for AI in his forthcoming administration. Krishnan, born and raised in India, has close personal ties to with David Sacks, Elon Musk, and Marc Andreessen, all of whom are a part of the broad “Tech Right” faction, which is defined by their backgrounds in Silicon Valley tech startups, and their (conspicuously) recent support of Trump in the latter half of his 2024 campaign.
Back in 2022 and 2023, many of these figures, including Musk and Sacks, supported DeSantis over Trump for the 2024 Presidential nomination. In late 2022 NBC reported that Musk chose DeSantis because he was looking for a more “sensible and centrist” candidate, which is also why Musk voted for Biden in 2020:

In May of 2023, David Sacks also showed a strong preference for DeSantis, and was the architect of the infamously botched Twitter kickoff event to announce DeSantis’ bid for the Oval Office:

After the events of October 7th in Gaza, combined with DeSantis’ failure to launch, these investors all claimed to have had a completely innocent and authentic change of heart. Now instead of a centrist they would be hitching their wagons to the man considered America’s Hitler, the most radical and iconoclastic political figure in modern history.
So, what does the Tech Right want? What are their policy goals? For one, they want less regulation on their business activities, specifically, AI programs and other surveillance technologies with military applications. To this end, they have recognized that the economic growth necessary to power these technologies requires a stabilized homeland, one which ignores issues of social conservatism and is focused squarely on fiscal rather than ideological issues. This Tech Right faction is also pro-immigration, planning to import however many immigrants it takes to rival China, at a lower price than what it would take to hire Americans for the same jobs.
This last sentiment is shared by this latest Trump staff pick: Sriram Krishnan. It was quickly discovered that Krishnan supported removing the cap on H1-B visas, bringing in foreign workers to populate tech jobs in Silicon Valley. Krishnan’s reasoning for such a policy is that America needs the best (in indefinitely large numbers) from other countries to work in America. The ethnic origin of these workers is merely a “bizarre quirk” that is irrelevant and evidently deserves no consideration:

Americans quickly rallied against this policy as anti-American, depriving our own people of tech jobs. As an important sidenote, Indians make up over 70% of current H1-B visa recipients, which based on their average national IQ (~77) and population size, would make it statistically anomalous that the majority of the “best and brightest” in the world would come from this single country. This DHS graph from 2017 has a highly similar breakdown to the current H1-B approvals:

In response to widespread disapproval from the Trump base, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and a host of other tech entrepreneurs defended Krishnan and the alleged need for foreign labor.
Their arguments quickly took on a sour, hostile tone. In response to the plight of White Americans seeking jobs, Elon Musk responded with classic anti-White rhetoric: White men are simply too dumb to perform these jobs:

In what can be fairly described as conciliatory misdirection, Musk clarifies that he is only using the H1-B program to hire the “top 0.1% of engineering talent”, similar to how the NBA brings exceptional talent into their sports leagues:

However, another X user quickly caught Musk on the inaccuracy of this “mental construct”:

Many other users were highly skeptical about Musk’s framing, and for the plainest reasoning. How is it possible that America can only “win” by ceasing to be American?
It is long overdue that Americans begin to reaffirm their identity in concrete terms. It is an unavoidable fact that America was built by White, Christian men, and was built for themselves and their posterity. They were responsible for cultivating a new civilization from nothing and no other group has made as many contributions to this country as them. While there are others who have made their mark on this nation, and some who may be fairly called Americans, far too often is the latter praised and the former scorned and dismissed. To deny White Americans’ central role in establishing our national identity is context denial, no different than the way the far-left 1619 Project tries to recontextualize our national history. This rhetoric about the “best and brightest” is designed specifically to justify the replacement of historic, White Americans who made this country great in the first place. Only someone who believes America is merely an idea could stomach tens of thousands of low-skill, foreign workers taking jobs from the native White American population. It bears emphasizing that America, with a White supermajority for over 300 years of its history, was the envy of the world, and was the most exceptional in all areas without the help of Indian or any other 3rd world migration. How could it be possible that in a country of nearly 350 million Americans, with the best engineering schools in the world, that we can’t find any native talent to fill these jobs? It seems unlikely at best, and deceptive at worst.
Despite all the propaganda surrounding these H1-B visas being used only for highly technical specific positions that Americans can’t fill, these claims are flatly untrue. First, H1-B visas recipients are by no stretch the best and brightest, as the H1-B salary Database proves:

Those in favor of the H1-B program are seriously trying to claim that 7-11 cashiers or golf shop managers, among thousands of entry level $15-$40/hour jobs cannot be done by Americans. The same can also be said about engineering jobs, of the same type Elon Musk and Sriram Krishnan would be seeking to use:

One X user reported that back in 2022-2023, Telsa laid off 2688 Texan employees, and at the same time approved 2639 H1-B visas for his company:

Additionally, the H1-B system is full of fraud and abuse:

It is well known that business leaders use cheap foreign labor for a multitude of immoral ends, including unfair competitive advantages. Even if the system had zero malfeasance, it is common sense that every job filled by a foreign worker is a job an American could have filled and should have filled. Hiring foreign workers before native born US citizens is in no way American First. On this basis alone an expansion of H1-B visas should be rejected.
This information is freely available to the public, yet Krishnan, Musk, and their allies exaggerate the quality of H1-B talent to an ignorant American public which are fully aware of the corrupt practices of big business hiring cheap foreign labor. It is an egregious, bald-faced lie that these programs have an applicant pool of only the best and brightest for hyper-specialized work, as several X users, including this account, showed:

Back in 2016, when Trump did not rely on tech industry donors like Musk (who donated upwards of $277 million on Trump this cycle), he was critical of H1-B visas:

Vivek, in an extended X post, placed the blame on America’s culture for producing subpar Americans who can’t keep up to Indian excellence:

Vivek states that the real roots of the problem– which necessitates tens of thousands of new Indian migrants taking American jobs– are prom, watching the TV series “Friends”, and hanging out at the mall. If Americans watch Saturday morning cartoons or foster any kind of “normal” childhood, he warns “we’ll have our asses handed to us by China.” In other words, it is impossible to have any culture divorced from nose-grinding, busy-body monotony. Laced between these social prescriptions is an implied assumption: since American culture has made us so weak, we are helpless invalids. The Indian people, who make up over 70% of H1-B visa recipients, must rescue us from our own destruction, and without them we face the existential threat of China stealing America’s spotlight on the world stage. They are unable articulate what makes China such a successful and threatening tech innovator. Perhaps it is worth pointing out that China is a patriotic ethno-state of with a Han Chinese supermajority, and an emphasis on native Chinese manufacturing. It is trite to say, however it must be said: if diversity is the secret ingredient to success, why does China not need any diversity to be on par with America?
Many commenters pointed out the obvious fact that long before H1-B visas existed, when the country was supermajority White Americans —with their Hippies, Woodstock, Saturday morning cartoons, and proms—we built rocket ships to the moon and had a vibrant industrial economy. This point completely lost on Vivek, who saw no contradiction that all his cultural culprits did not seem to damage American exceptionalism 60 years ago.
Vivek later attempted his own damage control by insisting that he’s always believed the H1-B system is badly broken and would need to be “gutted” in the future. He also tried to clarify that he wants the system to be based on merit. Once again, the point seems to be settled in his mind that mediocre talent from India is leagues better than any engineer who could be trained or hired from among American talent.
Musk, increasingly frustrated by the widespread disapproval of critics, had an embarrassing emotional meltdown. Musk stated anyone who questions foreign workers taking American jobs should go “F*CK” themselves “in the face”:

It’s clear Musk kept his promise to “got to war”, since soon after many X accounts which had been critical of Musk, including the group Project Groyper, lost their blue checkmark status. Several of these same accounts also received permanent suspensions:

In a final display of hubris, Musk admits that accounts which are less “credible” (IE, critical of H1-B expansion) will be de-boosted by the X algorithm. The pretext for other criticisms was spam and bot accounts, although no evidence was provided of either:

In other words, if the verified X elite, many of whom are tech entrepreneurs hiring H1-B labor, don’t like what you have to say, or if you ratio their unpopular opinions, you will be punished for your resistance.
After several days of debate, Trump breaks his noteworthy radio-silence to back Musk and H1-B visas in general:

Also interestingly, JD Vance has yet to made public comments on this debate.
By the time Trump made his statement on the matter, the arguments of both sides were largely exhausted, and the major critics in exile.
Despite such ridiculous rhetoric coming from the Tech Right, none of it came as a surprise to those on the America First Right. Since at least June of 2024, many groyper-aligned accounts sounded the alarm on the infiltration Little Tech and the Thiel Network into the Trump 2024 campaign.
From Trumps major donors Elon Musk and David Sacks to his vice-presidential nominee JD Vance, groomed by Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel, Trump’s entire platform has become co-opted by their agenda. Consequently, Trump has given this faction the keys to his forthcoming administration, and they are wasting no time pursuing their line-item objectives. If that weren’t bad enough, Trump already signaled his support for stapling green cards to the diplomas of all foreign students, including two-year junior colleges. The broader right-wing refused to heed this clear warning that the 2024 administration would expand immigration rather than reduce it. Whether it was naïve optimism, ignorance, or a misplaced hatred towards the America First right-flank of the GOP, it is clear now that their opinions in June were both merited and highly prescient.
What can be gleaned in the aftermath of these developments? First, it is necessary to understand the collective arguments of Musk, Vivek, and Silicon Valley et. Al. To steelman their position, the Tech Right argument is as follows: There is an (alleged) shortage of American engineers because of several factors, including wokeness in higher education, teaching gender theory and Anti-Semitism instead of engineering. There are also cultural deficiencies in White America, with Vivek arguing that young Americans watch too much of the TV series “Friends” and don’t compete in enough science fairs to deserve jobs in their own country. Children having leisure time for to play, instead of doing their homework are contemptible, and they deserve the full blame for America’s failure, not globalization, free trade, or H1-Bs keeping them out of the job market.
Given this (alleged) shortage, as well as the incompetency of woke White Americans (“we’re just dumb” according to Musk), employers are (allegedly) forced look to the foreign labor market. Out of the “best and brightest” engineers in the world the vast majority allegedly come from India which receive over 70% of our H1-B visas. Conveniently for us Russia and China and Israel don’t want them and aren’t hiring, for unknown, probably racist or xenophobic reasons.
America can only “win” against foreign adversaries, developing AI and other tech, with unlimited Indian workers living permanently in the physical landmass of the United States, instead of these engineers working remotely from India, or training American engineers their allegedly unmatched skills. Given all this context, hiring native White Americans over these “best and brightest” Indians would be tantamount to DEI, because Whites are presently woke, dumb, and have a poor work ethic compared to their Indian and Asian counterparts.
Finally, if you are against this plan, or in any way question the motives or assumptions laid out, you are racist and hateful. According to Elon Musk you are a “subtard” (IE retard) and you should “take a big step back and F*CK YOURSELF in the face” and he will “go to war” with you on this issue. If you are against this plan, you are also insufficiently loyal to Trump and the MAGA movement, because Trump signaled his support for H1-B visas. You also should be stripped of your ability to speak in the digital public square, and be either shadow banned or perma-banned from X.
That is that argument, as expressed in different degrees of transparency by these various personalities.
As these tech oligarchs have made abundantly clear, they could not care less about the impact their decisions will have on America’s cultural and social fabric. As Vivek admitted in another X post, he believes in a fundamentally different view of American identity, one absent of all ties to land or ethnicity:

For such a race blind meritocracy Vivek perceives America to be, it is awfully convenient that the vast majority of supposed “best and brightest” talent comes from India, his ancestral country, and a county with an average IQ of 77. Are we expected to believe that none of the White European countries, with far higher average IQs, could be persuaded to work in America?
Among countless additional questions which could be leveled against these personalities, perhaps the most important is this: what about the real Americans? None of their reasoning, naturally, takes into consideration the need of Americans, because the vast majority of those supporting this expansion of H1-B are not American, not White, and certainly not Christian.
The average White American tech worker expects a reasonable salary, and a reasonable number of working hours each week. They want enough money to feed their family and live a comfortable life, and hours such that they can spend time with their families and live a life outside of their career. These are the plainest and most obviously justifiable motivations an American could have. The problem for the Tech Right is that such a reasonable arrangement can’t squeeze out a few extra million dollars of profit for themselves.
If the Tech Right came straight out and told people that 1) they want more money and are willing to sell out American workers for it, and 2) they really don’t empathize with the plight of White tech workers because these entrepreneurs are neither White nor American, it would naturally upset Americans. Consequently, they have tried for the last few years to avoid such a direct confrontation, being exposed that their interests and motives are diametrically opposed to American workers who comprise the Trump base that they have been courting. They have been able to misdirect and avoid this inevitable confrontation, until now.
While it could have (and should have) been clearly understood for years that the Tech Right was never actually patriotic or nationalistic or socially conservative, this series of events has proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt. X users made tens of thousands of posts and statements disassembling their arguments. The endless stream of articles and citations was such a threat to their control over the narrative that Elon, the supposed friend to free speech online, dropped the ban hammer on critics under the paper-thin pretext of “spam”.
This chapter in the history of the American Right must be remembered, and for two critical reasons. The first is that the egregious nature of the events should clarify to the American Right who is and is not on “our side”. Elon said, in the most direct, explicit, impossible to misinterpret language, that if you do not support Silicon Valley’s unfettered access to infinite cheap labor from India (among other third world countries) via H1-B visa programs, you should go “f*ck” yourself, and that he will wage war on any critics. He has no faith in “dumb” White Americans to excel in tech jobs or to fix anything in America; it is either an Indian caste running America or bust. Is it not an apparent contradiction that Elon are the same White Americans “dumb” whose ancestors founded America, built our government and skyscrapers and aircraft carriers and jets, and the entire modern world? If the White Americans are so dumb, why are we the envy of the world, with people risking their lives trekking across barren desert for a chance to seek asylum here?
The second reason is because, believe it or not, many people just learned all these facts now. It can never be overestimated how little the average X user understands about politics. Imagine it this way: if an X user turned off their phone on December 22nd, when the appointment was announced, and they lost their phone for 1 week between the couch cushions, they did not hear this story. A week has barely passed, and the story is already beginning to fade out as paid shills do damage control, and we are instructed to “move forward” and be united now that all the critics are silenced.
While America First accounts will recall the order of events and their significance, the broader right’s understanding will be muddied by these bad faith actors trying to sweep this episode under the rug. We cannot afford to forget such a clear admission of disloyalty to the American people. In a moment of arrogance, they let the mask slip off too quickly. They proudly admit that America is an idea, and nothing more. To them America is just the brand name to a company, an economic zone. The living breathing American people are put last, once again.