The Great Satan Versus Man

The Great Satan Versus Man

I learnt just now from our shieldmate Patriactionary that there is a new Hulu reality TV series about ten unspeakably beautiful ‘Muslim-American’ Afghani sisters “sleeping around, causing drama, and getting cosmetic work done.” Lots of cleavage to be seen on the adverts, of course. Plus collagen, and no doubt Botox, makeup out the yin yang, obviously; then also the sultry come hither looks: all the usual stuff.


Excursus: I swear, TV seemed a wasteland to me back in 1965. Those days seem now like high and refined culture.

Liberalism is at war with Islam. Liberalism – not the West, not Christendom, but, speaking properly, and carefully, liberalism – is the Great Satan. Islam is at war with all other faiths, to be sure; such is the condition of proselytism as such (albeit that Islam takes jihad more seriously than all other faiths). But, still, Islam is at war now first and foremost with liberalism. If the West repudiated liberalism, and returned to her patrimony of Christendom, Islam would still be at war with her, but only over Second Things.

Counting the Incarnation, the Trinity, the Atonement, and so forth, as Second Things; and counting God, Sin, Righteousness, Judgement, Everlasting Life, and so forth, as First Things.

Excursus: the disputes over the filioque or sola scriptura would then be over Third Things …

When I first read Bonald saying that Muslims were less of a threat to the West than liberalism, I was skeptical. I suppose I was still lots more back then of a normie than I am in these latter days, in which the intramural factional differences in the West have become so stark.

It is now clear to me – I’m shocked to read myself writing this – that despite our deep (and, so far as I can tell, incorrigible) differences, we here have more in common with the Taliban than we do with the GOP of the last few news cycles, in which the Republicans have surrendered in substance (albeit not yet wholly in appearance) to the woke Democrats.

As against all that, and as leaven, I point out only that the structure of the entertainment industry – by which I mean to indicate, not just TV and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, forsooth, but almost all media (including academic media – so beholden, as it is, to the Narrative du jour – and indeed even bloody minded ruthless financial media) – is such that success in the terrific competition among the giants and midgets of the internet for attention of eyeballs can be won for any given moment only by a series of ever increasing provocations against science, economics, common sense, custom, decorum, and indeed reason. The consequent race toward the bottom – toward Hell, that is to say – in the Western media, as much for Muslims as for orthodox Christians and Jews, is bound to lead us all to social deliquescence, to chaos, poverty, death – and to damnation.

On this, all peoples can agree. Who disagrees is just irreligious; is, i.e., on the side of the demons.

Damn the demons who corrupted these “Muslim-American” succubi.

I suppose though that this sentiment is superfluous: the demons have already damned themselves forever.

Deliver us then, O Lord, from their temptations. And rescue their victims, the stars of their vain and empty specious shows.

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