The Opposite Of Truth Is Not Just Lies, It Is Chaos…

The Opposite Of Truth Is Not Just Lies, It Is Chaos…

Patricia McCarthy

“A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial:  that is when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.”

– George Orwell

The Democrats have always relied on lies, especially when it comes to their campaigns for political office.  

When Hillary Clinton was running for what she deemed her rightful place in the White House, she paid for the many, many lies that kicked off the Russia hoax and led to the endless persecution via lawfare of practically everyone in Trump’s inner circle.

None of them were guilty of any crimes.

All that Democrat malice cost taxpayers millions of dollars – the Mueller Report was the tip of their persecution iceberg.  All of their accusations were lies.

When Donald Trump won, the left made sure that chaos ensued.  It was a miracle that Trump accomplished all the good he did – energy independence,  tax cuts for all (not just the rich as Harris claims), the Abraham Accords, low inflation, a post-COVID recovering economy and low unemployment despite the ravages of lockdowns.

The Democrats regularly lie about Trump’s many achievements in an attempt to make themselves relevant.  But they are all  anti-American now, especially Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

When Joe Biden was faux-running for the presidency from his basement, he knew the fix was in, because it was.

The thoroughly corrupt mainstream media was delighted to use their vast reach to repeat all the lies the Democrats came up with to destroy Trump.  The 2020 election was rigged and everyone knows it, even all those media tools of the left who pretend to this day that that election was legitimate.  They love to claim that “every judge who looked at the evidence refused to take the numerous legal cases the Trump campaign filed.”  But no judge ever looked at the volumes of evidence; they all denied the cases had standing.  They were all too cowardly to actually look at the evidence available, to expose the truth.

The Democrats’ guilt on this score probably explains their obsession with trying to make any and all Republicans admit that Biden won fairly even though they know he did not.

They know the truth. Molly Ball bragged about it. They all know that Democrat lawyer Mark Elias went across the country surreptitiously changing election laws.  They know that social media magnate Mark Zuckerberg funneled $400 million into those drop boxes that were stuffed by mules with thousands of fraudulent ballots.

They all know that on election night, Trump was so far ahead the counting of ballots was stopped for hours.

They needed time to come up with the ballots needed to produce a Biden win. They all know this is what happened. They all lied and continue to lie.

They lie as well about whose rhetoric has generated two assassination attempts.

Curiously, we do not yet know nearly as much as we should about the two shooters, but every sentient person on the planet knows that the left’s language over the last nine years has been purposefully murderous; still is.

Still, just as they insist the 2020 election was not rigged, the wholly disingenuous George Stephanopoulos still tries to make Trump supporters responsible for the attempts on his life.  You cannot call the man “Hitler,” call for his “elimination,” his “extermination,” etc. and not expect a few mentally ill persons to react as if ordered to kill.

These people are shameless.

So now, after nearly four years of the worst, most disastrous administration in our nation’s  history by every metric, Kamala Harris is trying to become president based on the lie that she has a record worth touting.  She does not.  She was appointed Biden’s “border czar” about which she did exactly nothing; other than a stopover in El Paso, she only visited the actual border for the first time a week or so ago for twenty minutes, wearing her $62,000 Tiffany necklace!

She was tasked with spending $42 billion to bring broadband to rural regions. She didn’t. Where is that money? Adding insult to injury, FEMA has been turned into a DEI experiment with predictable results.   Mayorkas has stated that millions of dollars of FEMA funds and resources have been spent on migrants, and the agency is essentially broke!

The hurricane victims are simply out of luck despite the lies that White House spokesperson, Karine Jean Pierre, tells to the contrary.  Most people will believe the hundreds of clips of victims telling the truth.  FEMA is AWOL.  It seems that this administration has been using FEMA money, $1b of it, to care for the millions of illegal migrants the Biden/Harris administration has ushered into the country.  Their horrific, seemingly purposeful but surely negligent response to the devastation throughout the southeast wrought by Hurricane Helene is more proof of their utter failure to do right by Americans.

While the empty-headed newsreaders on the Sunday news shows claim that any tales of FEMA not being present and providing needed help are untrue, the folks on the ground tell of FEMA confiscating donations, of threatening to arrest citizens offering help, etc., their stories are clearly and sadly true.

These victims who have lost everything are being helped by civilian volunteers for water, food and escape, not FEMA. The Biden/Harris administration is slow-walking badly needed help to those victims who have lost everything.  Kamala offered them a measly $750 while sending $157 million to Lebanon for food, water, and shelter.  She is on record saying that disaster relief should be based on equity.  KJP failed miserably to explain this away.

What’s wrong with this picture?  Everything.  Absolutely everything.  We have a government that cares nothing for its own citizens but reveres illegal migrants and the citizens of other nations.  We have an administration that lies constantly to make itself look good and at the same time do as much damage to the Trump campaign as possible.

In her 60 Minutes interview, for which she almost certainly had the questions ahead of time, Kamala Harris lied over and over and over again, especially about her border policy.  The day Biden/Harris took office, they opened the border to all comers without vetting.  Hundreds of thousands of them have been unaccompanied children, over 300,000 of whom have gone missing, sold off to traffickers and/or NGOs who place them who-knows-where.

Now Harris says the border has been “tightened.”  Maybe, because they are now flying them directly from foreign countries to the cities throughout the nation. They are skipping over the border but still accommodating them in huge numbers.  The same goes for the fentanyl that has poured into the country on their watch.  They’ve not only let it happen, they’ve allowed it, encouraged it.  Any protestations to the contrary are … lies.  So, again, massive chaos reigns.

Meanwhile, rumor has it Kamala travels the country for rallies but has to bring busses full of thousands of paid “supporters” with her.  She cannot bring out the crowds Trump does, so it’s not even close.

She can’t speak without every word being scripted for her to read. Her answers in any of the few interviews she has granted to friendly hosts are word salads, unintelligible gibberish without an answer to the question posed. Her VP pick is a disaster of untold proportions, a pathological liar who idolizes communist China.  Not sure there is a name for what ails him, but it is serious.  In his short appearance on Sunday with Fox News’s Shannon Bream, he continued to lie about Trump’s abortion stance and about Minnesota abortion law.

Bottom line? The Democrats rely on lies. The Harris/Walz campaign relies on lies. And what do we have? Total, disastrous, murderous chaos. Chaos is what the left thrives on – it’s the basis of the Cloward-Piven strategy.  They’ve been trying to implement it for decades.  

Thanks to this administration, our nation is fast becoming totalitarian, controlled by the censorship the Democrats hope to further implement.

Here is Hillary the other day:

But we now know that … if the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter/X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we (Democrats)  lose total control,”  but “Free speech is my right to say what you don’t want to hear.”  


The Harris/Walz ticket must be defeated if America is to prevail.

Original Article
