The Question of Moral Responsibility

The Question of Moral Responsibility

Gregory Hood

A few days ago, a black man killed a far-left activist on Malcolm X Avenue in Brooklyn in front of his girlfriend. The “conservative” New York Post called Ryan Carson a “big-hearted activist,” a “beloved activist,” and a “poet.” The New York Times wrote of an “outpouring of grief” and Senator Chuck Schumer paid tribute. After an uncharacteristically energetic search (major crime clearances are below 30 percent), police arrested Brian Dowling.

Media blurred the face of the suspect, a courtesy they did not extend to Daniel Penny.


Friends of Carson said he would feel sorry for the suspect and think of him as the “victim of a broken system.” “I have no feelings of vengeance and I don’t think that’s healthy,” said Carson’s roommate. Dowling was reportedly enrolled in a “learn-to-work” program, one of the programs that are supposed to get at “root causes.” ABC reported that he “worked” at a school. If true, he is the system. He also had summonses for disorderly conduct.

Carson’s supposed friends have set up a GoFundMe. It is not for funeral expenses. “Immediate needs are to offset the costs of working class people taking time off of work to properly mourn,” it said. They have to take time off to mourn this guy? About $67,000 has been raised so far.

Carson worked for the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), a left-wing non-profit that pushes progressive causes. It has an annual budget of about $4.6 million, with part of the money coming from student fees at New York universities. Left-wing groups get funding from apolitical students and conservatives.

Carson’s girlfriend, Claudia V. Morales, does not like the police. She reportedly (according to Andy Ngo) did not post the wanted image of the suspect. Police initially said they had no physical description of the attacker — bizarre since she watched it all happen and the killer walked up to her and spat in her face. Reports of her “refusing” to cooperate haven’t been confirmed, though that would explain the mystery.


Here is the uncensored video of the murder.

Carson himself was not just a policy wonk. He posted edgier content under a different handle on X. This included laughing at dead people such as Rush Limbaugh, calling for abolishing the police, labeling cops “subhuman,” and praising attacks on them.



This didn’t stop a quick police response.

Some conservatives seemed happy about Carson’s death, because he supported the anti-police, pro-criminal policies that arguably led to his death. Leftists seemed far more outraged about this than the killing.






At least one said conservatives should be in camps. He deleted his account.


Many conservatives expect liberals to change their minds when something like this happens, but some aren’t wired the way we are. Research suggests that liberals feel a greater tendency towards a universal code of morality than they do love for friends, family, or nation.

Leftists therefore think their ideology has never been tried unless they are in total control. This would require smothering all dissent. “Real Communism has never been tried,” to use the old saying, so we shouldn’t criticize.

Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg controlled crime. The lives saved under these policies were mostly black. However, black voters supported Bill de Blasio and the current mayor, Eric Adams. If we can say voter preferences reflect a community’s desires, this must be what they want. High crime is a worthwhile price to pay for less punishment for the many habitual black criminals. White leftists seem to agree.


Some students are not smart enough to get anything from school, some people are violent by nature, some won’t eat good food even if it’s free, and some will destroy free housing. Handouts haven’t accomplished much, but we’re not allowed to talk about why.

Most people won’t change no matter what happens. Most prefer illusions rather than truth. And most never admit they were wrong. In the film Reds, Communist journalist Jack Reed scolds anarchist Emma Goldman for giving up on the Bolshevik Revolution after millions of deaths resulted in a horrible system that “cannot work.” “If you walk out on that [the Revolution] now, what’s your whole life been?”

Whatever Ryan Carson’s was, it’s over.

Original Article


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