Tinder Is Your Only Hope: The Modern Dating Scene And The Planned Destruction Of White Families

Tinder Is Your Only Hope: The Modern Dating Scene And The Planned Destruction Of White Families

(I wrote this article like a year ago for another publication, but they never posted it.)

It seems nowadays young people just aren’t getting married. This is due to many societal factors that have strained relations between the sexes. The new phenomenon of “situationships” is a great example of this.

From Yahoo News:

It seems that the rise of ‘situationships’ have taken over and Gen Z women are at the forefront.Tinder-conducted survey revealed that Gen Z women prefer situationships most. The popular dating app revealed that the supposed ‘grey area’ is actually more desireable for Gen Z women than most would expect.

In the world of modern dating, this is nothing too surprising. Between committed relationships, communicationships, open relationships, situationships, and the many other trends, it seems that the situationship is the favored pick. Gen Z women seem to prefer the easeful, no-strings-attached approach, …

Situationships are the definition of “I just want to use you for sex and I never plan on marrying you.” What kind of society allows a dynamic like this to be preferred? What values are Gen Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) being taught that lead them to believe that this is an acceptable situation? Let’s take a look.

Young women are sleeping around while a significant portion of the male population remains single. This was all done deliberately to destroy the family unit. Even if you argue that it isn’t intentional, it’s certainly still working toward that end. Young women are being pushed toward having a career and getting their emotional and physical fulfillment through one-night stands rather than settling down and having children. They are rewarded for choosing a career because quotas favor women and minorities over white men. When men don’t have a partner, they are supposed to feel bad about themselves because, throughout history, this has indicated that you were a loser, unable to provide for someone else. Females don’t need to rely on men as much anymore. Now you can be the creator of the world’s largest e-commerce conglomerate (Amazon) and still have your wife divorce you over trivial reasons. The world is ruled by women, and this is not natural.

The propaganda being pushed by the mainstream media is directed at white people in particular. All of our commercials are filled with interracial couples. This is a subliminal attack on white people. Whites are the ones encouraged to race-mix. It is true that interracial marriage is still relatively low, but mixed offspring is still high. Many times leaving a white mom with a child that is a racial alien to her and vice-versa. Almost half of Americans have dated outside of their race.  Considering that in 1967 only 3% of newlyweds were interracial, that’s a huge jump in a short amount of time. A demographic shift like that usually only happens when a nation has been conquered violently. Instead of violence the tool that was used to cause this to happen was propaganda.

The white race is steadily becoming a minority. The projected fastest-growing racial group is people of two or more races, according to the Census. Caucasian youths are the ones feeling the effects the most.

From The Conversation:

Between 2010 and 2018, the number of white children fell by 2.8 million, or 7.1%. In contrast, nonwhite children grew by 6.1%.

In 2018, the last year for which data are currently available, the proportion of people in the U.S. under 18 years of age was just barely more white than nonwhite.

From The CDC:

Late preterm births declined among non-Hispanic white mothers between 2019 and 2020
(6.99% to 6.90%); changes in rates for births to non-Hispanic black (9.45% to 9.54%) and
Hispanic (7.36% to 7.32%) mothers were not significant.

If we aren’t able to change our trajectory, whites will be strangers in their own country. In the south, this is already pretty close to a reality.

To jump back to the issue with career women, the children of working mom’s are less likely to excel. As indicated by the chart above, when mothers are in the workforce they aren’t able to spend time disciplining or playing with their children. Outside of the home they are faced with more problems. Young white children are growing up in multiracial ecosystems and are constantly told that they are their peers’ worst enemies. These kids have a lot of racial guilt before they even start middle school. They hold onto this for life, and it only gets reinforced every time they turn on the TV. Take this, along with the aforementioned marriage issue, and we have a bleak future for the white race. The need to further our heritage without having the appropriate means to do so is our current reality.

Young men like Nick Fuentes who choose to remain celibate until they find a suitable wife are ridiculed by the media. Many people believe that associating themselves with the term “incel” (involuntarily celibate) alienates them from the general public, who perceives them as violent extremists. Why are incels viewed in such a way? When you have young men who, due to societal conditions out of their control, cannot find a mate, what else are they to do? The logical conclusion is that some portion of them will spend their time working to change the environment they grew up in to better their chances at a quality relationship. Those who designed our lives to be this way are terrified of this happening. The secret service has made “incels” a domestic threat.

The goal is for these men to kill themselves or settle for a someone outside of their group, furthering the browning of America. So how are young white men expected to find a wife when every force in America is working toward their detriment? The only future I see for men is one where they must stay focused on themselves and work on whatever they can to ensure they end up in a good place in the future. Whether they are able to find a wife or not, at least with this thinking, they will still be a successful and valuable person while also paving the way for something greater for themselves.


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