Trump Goes for the Capillaries

Trump Goes for the Capillaries

Jared Taylor

He won’t attack Kamala Harris where it would really hurt.

Thumbnail credit: © Al Grillo/ZUMA Press Wire Service
This video is available on RumbleBitChute, and Odysee.

Non-white candidates make racial appeals all the time. White candidates just hint at race. Even the allegedly “racist” Donald Trump is no different. So far, in this campaign, he refuses to go for the jugular — to highlight Kamala Harris’s grotesque anti-white policies, or what she calls “equity.” Over and over, she has said, “There’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”

Kamala wants to eliminate all the black/white gaps in income, life expectancy, incarceration rates, school grades, Oscars – everything. This goes way beyond college admissions and hiring. Here’s the classic illustration.

You don’t give everyone a box. You take away the tall guy’s box and give it to the short guy. There will never be equal outcomes, so anti-white policies can go on forever. The Biden-Harris administration has already ordered every part of the federal government to push equity – in increasingly perverse ways – into everything it does.

It’s colossally stupid not to talk about “equity.” First, Mr. Trump is muffing a chance to make the only group that reliably votes for him – white people – angry enough to badger people around them to go to the polls. Turnout will decide this election. Second: Only 47 percent even of blacks approve of race preferences in college admissions. The rest are opposed or aren’t sure.

I bet a strong majority of all voters would oppose the lurid race preferences it would take for everyone to “end up in the same place.”

Mr. Trump could therefore increase the white vote without scaring away a lot of non-whites. But, as we’ll see, like John McCain and Mitt Romney before him, he can’t bring himself to make an obvious, effective racial appeal. He’s got the white man’s disease: He won’t take his own side.

I have looked at every video ad from the Trump campaign that I can find. Here’s a clip from the one you are most likely to see: [0:28 – 0:54] Typical Trump exaggerations: “We’re gonna win big.” “Most important day in American history.”

He does have some attack ads. In this one, he blasts Kamala for the Green New Deal and for wanting to ban fracking. [0:25 – 0:28]

Here, he roasts her for wanting to spend tax dollars on sex-changes for prisoners. [0:28 – 0:29]

One about coddling criminals has a good punchline: “Kamala Harris has always put criminals first. Don’t make America her next victim.”

Another ad denounces politically motivated prosecutions. [0:22 – 0:28]

An ad called “Meet Kamala Harris” says she was the most liberal Senator in Congress, that she wants open borders, would defund the police, and talks about giving felons in prison the right to vote.

This ad called Kamala Krash slams Biden-Harris economics.

This one highlights the money she gave to bail out BLM rioters: “If you’re able to, chip in now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

Other ads slam her for her complete failure as “border czar” and her claim that “an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

Credit Image: © Isaac Guzman/dpa via ZUMA Press

Some of these are good hits, but there’s not one word about “equity.”

Here is Trump’s official, 20-point platform.

The first two are good: Seal the border and deport illegals. The full platform is more than 5,000 words long, but the word equity doesn’t appear even once. Nor does the acronym DEI.

Mr. Trump has made some speeches that sound like he’s talking about white interests, but he wobbles. People in our circle were excited when the Trump War Room X account posted this, from a speech he gave in Pennsylvania.

“It takes centuries to build the unique character of each state. But reckless migration policy can change it quickly and permanently. Just like we’ve seen in London, and Paris, and Minneapolis. If Kamala Harris wins this election, she will flood Pennsylvania cities and towns with illegal migrants from all over the world—and Pennsylvania will not be Pennsylvania any longer.”

That’s not what he actually said. That may be what a speechwriter wrote, but the audio is embedded in the tweet. The Donald rambled around, scrambling and blurring what could have been a firm nationalist appeal.

Here’s another tweet that excited people:

“They’re coming from the Congo. They’re coming from Africa. They’re coming from the Middle East. They’re coming from all over the world, Asia…what’s happening to our country is we’re…destroying the fabric of life in our country.”

He was talking only about illegal immigrants, not non-whites in general.

This website, New Civil Rights Movement, does nothing but bash Donald Trump.

Here is a typical headline: “ ‘Unrepentant Fascist’: Trump Says He’s ‘Cognitively Very Strong’ in ‘Dark, Twisted’ Rally.”

Of course, “fascist,” and “dark and twisted” are things his opponents said. Apparently the worst thing Mr. Trump said was that he was “cognitively very strong.”

The same site screeched when he talked about “remigration,” but Mr. Trump made it very clear he was talking only about deporting illegals, not legal residents, which some Europeans would include in the term.

If he ever made a direct appeal to whites, these people would be all over it.

Last month, Donald Trump promised us plenty of legal immigration: “We’re going to let a lot of people come in, because we need more people, especially with AI coming and all the different things.”

What a goof. AI will reduce the need for people. Never in the campaign have I heard Mr. Trump even suggest that race could make the slightest difference in who gets in.

This campaign is fumbling away a powerful racial appeal.

John McCain did the same in 2008. So did Mitt Romney in 2012. They were running against Barack Obama, and had a perfect target in his decades-long admiration for Jeremiah Wright.

In the 1980s, Mr. Obama was a nobody, working as a community organizer in Chicago, when he fell under the spell of Jeremiah Wright, pastor of the black church, Trinity United. As this Wikipedia page explains, Mr. Obama attended Trinity United for decades.

Pastor Wright officiated at Barack and Michelle’s wedding. He baptized their two daughters. One of Mr. Wright’s sermons inspired the title of Mr. Obama’s 2006 memoir, The Audacity of Hope.

The same sermon furnished the themes for Mr. Obama’s keynote address to the Democrat National Convention in 2004.

In 2008, when Mr. Obama was battling Hillary Clinton for the Democrat nomination, some of the Obama family pastor’s frisky ideas came to light. Here’s what he said you’re supposed to believe to be American. [2:42 – 2:56]

Credit Image: © E. Jason Wambsgans/TNS via ZUMA Press Wire

He got the Tuskegee syphilis experiment all wrong: [1:12 – 1:20] He said the U.S. government invented AIDS to destroy “people of color.”

He gave a Lifetime Achievement Award to Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam – shown here he is with his pal Al Sharpton.

Credit Image: © POOL/ZUMA Press

But this was his most notorious routine: [1:17 – end]

Even Democrats called for Mr. Obama to denounce the man, but at first, he wouldn’t. “I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community,” he said. Or his grandmother.

Under intense pressure, he cut ties.

Some months later, when a reporter asked Mr. Wright if Mr. Obama had called lately, he said, “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me.”

Mr. Obama won the Democrat primary, and in the general election, John McCain’s advisors pleaded with him to hit Mr. Obama hard on the Wright connection.

Credit Image: Michael Williams/

He refused. He lost.

Four years later, McCain’s advisors were still smarting. The result was, “G.O.P. ‘Super PAC’ Weighs Hard-Line Attack on Obama.”

They wrote up a 54-page plan called “The Defeat of Barack Hussein Obama.” It starts like this:

“Our plan is to do exactly what John McCain would not let us do: Show the world how Barack Obama’s opinions of America and the world were formed. And why the influence of that misguided mentor and our president’s formative years among left-wing intellectuals has brought our country to its knees. The world is about to see Jeremiah Wright and understand his influence on Barack Obama for the first time in a big, attention-arresting way.”

The plan laid out practically frame by frame what would have been a powerful TV campaign, to be combined with outdoor advertising and huge aerial banners flying over the Democrat national convention.

“I repudiate that effort,” said Mr. Romney.

He lost, too.

I think Donald Trump wants to win. Does he have no more backbone than Mitt Romney, a man he despises? White people will keep losing if they can’t act like white men.

Original Article
