US Keeps Agitating China With Warships in South China Sea

US Keeps Agitating China With Warships in South China Sea

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Despite the recent meeting between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden in San Francisco, the United States is continuing to send warships through the South China Sea. The Chinese had to drive away a US warship.



These agitations are very stupid, but the Jews are just going to continue doing them because they’re morons. They’re already dealing with two very bad situations in the Ukraine and in Palestine. Despite that, they seem to be hellbent on created a third bad situation with China.

They can’t even win the first two bad situations they’re dealing with so the last thing you’d want to do is open up a third bad situation.

Everything these Jews are doing is only weakening their geopolitical power. They’re just too retarded to understand this I guess.

Original Article


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