You Are Not Innocent

A white perspective on the war in Gaza, collective punishment, the concept of innocence and Jews.
The morality of Israel and Palestine bores me. Of course, what the Israelis are doing is barbaric. I agree. But what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if the Palestinians were massacring Israeli civilians, instead of the other way around?
I would still support the Palestinians, not because they’re the indigenous people of Palestine, though they are. Not because it is right they should have their land back, though it is.
I would support them because it’s useful that Israel be destroyed, similar to how South Africa was after apartheid ended. Jews are self-declared enemies of the white race, and I am white.
I was born this way, and long before I was born, Jews and Europeans were feuding. I grew up unaware. Jews did not. They are taught, even in America, about their historical oppression. In WW2. In Biblical times. And the thousands of years in between. Whites are taught we’re free-floating individuals, and should judge everyone on individual merit.
Simultaneously, whites are taught we’re responsible for all the evil in world history, and our unique evilness, seen in religious terms as “whiteness,” needs to be eradicated.
The meme number is 109 countries. I have no idea if this is true. I have not counted, nor do I care to count. I just know Jews were kicked out of many places, many times.
And they see whites as capable of waking up, and kicking them out again. They are not wrong. Our very existence is a threat to them. So they want to get rid of us first.
Children are born into the world unaware. People mistake this unawareness as innocence. But children are not locked in a state of “childness” forever. They become adults. Thus, their enemies see them this way, as future enemies. And they blame them for the sins of the father. They carry the burden of a toll that needs to be paid in the eyes of their enemies.
The liberal notion children are blank slates is a lie. The very blood coursing through their veins ties them to a past they will never be allowed to escape.
Consider the Hamas attack on October 7th.
Everyone in the world population basically supports the Palestinians, though curiously they have very little institutional support.
But how do their defenders in the media defend the attack on Israeli civilians?
“Half the Israelis killed were military!”
What about the other half?
“The Israelis made up atrocity propaganda of babies beheaded!”
Surely, children were included somewhere in the death toll.
“ISRAELIES HAVE KILLED MANY MORE PALESTINIAN CHILDREN! This attack didn’t happen in a vacuum. The Palestinians have been persecuted for decades.”
True. But even better than being “true” you’re getting at the truth. Even if Jewish children were killed that day, they were not so innocent…
Palestinians. Jews. Whites. And everyone else in the world is not born into this world devoid of historical context. Ignorance is no excuse. No crime ever committed is ever forgotten, by your enemies and their descendants, unless they’ve been wiped out completely, and even then others who hate you will remember on their behalf.
>I never owned any slaves!
>I never did anything personally to anyone!
>Why are they attacking me? What did I do?
>Why do they hate me?
>Why can’t we just all move forward into the future?
>I believe in one race, the human race!
>I’m a friend of humanity!
>I believe in peace!
>Why can’t all sides just come to an agreement?
>We should have a truce!
>I love everyone
>One day we’ll all get along
You’ve forgotten. But your enemies will surely remind you. You are not innocent.
Prepare accordingly.
Check out Hyper Light Grifter’s rumble here