i picked this album because i want you to be bewildered, surprised, and possibly disturbed. alternatively, you may find this oddly peaceful. graham lambkin has been making music unlike anything else since the early 90's (see: The Shadow Ring), but this album was, in my view, his first masterwork. his closest musical relatives are baudouin oosterlynck, henri chopin, and the outsider music of hans krusi, but lambkin is too self-aware to be called an "outsider." his music is very deliberate and pointed -- at times, almost academic in spite of its "DIY" (or "lo-fi") construction. he is fascinated by sounds which are visceral and evocative, but in contrast to most musique concrète, primarily sounds which do not beget "acousmatic listening" (the experience of listening to sounds without an apparent origin or cause). in other words, he utilizes many sounds which you may find familiar, as opposed to unknown or obscured sounds (which have the feature of challenging one's associative memory), while still evoking the unease and discomfort of experiencing something inscrutable and alien. i hope this challenge to the senses is one you find novel and exciting. if not, i'm nonetheless curious as to how you might make sense of what you're about to hear. i had an old friend who used to say about lionel marchetti, "too much concrète, not enough musique." this album is firmly on the "musique" side. so in spite of its reputation, it is relatively friendly, which i believe contributes to its popularity.
essential norwood-core.
headphones and a quiet room recommended.
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