Back when Keith was arguing with Joel, he'd always bring up the idea of recreating the British Empire, always in a mocking tone and a tinge of Irish resentment. What is Keith's belief in universal nationalism other than a demand for the preservation and integrity of all peoples on earth?
Here certainly does race-bait on Twitter a lot. I don't take him believing that for granted, though. Keith believes in the sovereignty of all peoples as a political principle, and I strongly doubt that Keith agrees with reviving imperialism, certainly not colonialism. At most, he might be fine with African countries being strongarmed by outside powers on the world stage. He certainly wouldn't want to violate the integrity of other peoples' homelands or sovereignty. If Keith can morally oppose Joel's notion of cleansing Eastern Europe for Germanics, he could just as easily disagree with Cecil Rhodes' idea of whites colonizing Africa. Of course, Rhodes advocated from a position of influence, so the comparison is somewhat unequal. At least that proposal might not have been tactically bad in Keith's eyes.
Frankly, all his talk about Palestine implies he strongly opposes supremacism. If I recall correctly from the last WoodsTown episode, Keith carves out an exception for America/Canada/Australia as nations originally settled by whites. If Westerners today were to colonize say, Africa, though, it would look a lot like the Israeli takeover of Palestine, on account of there being far more Africans today and the narrowed developmental and technological gap between us and them. The only significant difference might be that if we conquered them, it would still be less ruthless than what the Jews do (which I suspect is a result of inbreeding).
Also, if any Western power attempted colonization anywhere today (whether in South America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, or Africa), they would likely have to contend with opposing Chinese and Russian interests, which would have been unthinkable in the 19th century, which causes me to side with Keith a little.