I lost my voice while driving. I was having a great drive home going 80 in a 50. Just blasting through the streets singing my driving song as loud as I can, cackling here and there when my energy got to be too much. Then a guy going 30 in a 50 stoos me and I’m forced to sit behind him. I miss the next green because of him and as soon as im able to get past him I start screaming at the top of my lungs because im so upset. After him I just kept hitting reds. I stopped at Walmart for chocolate milk and I was so upset I could’ve cried. Then, JUST NOW, as I was pulling into my apartment parking lot some piece of shit in a black truck speeds through a yellow and has to slam on his breaks because im going slow pulling into the parking lot. He honks at me and I scream out my open window “FAGGOT” He sped away without saying anything and now im sitting home upset.