"The Jews, by their own guilt, are consigned to perpetual servitude because they crucified the Lord… although they should not be killed, they must always remain in a state of subjugation so that the Christian people may always perceive, by way of them, the guilt of their fathers."
— (Innocent III, Epistolae, Book X, Letter 109)
"It is absurd and utterly intolerable that a blasphemer of Christ should exercise power over Christians. The Jews, whose own guilt has consigned them to perpetual servitude, should be made to recognize their place, not to oppress those whom Christ has redeemed."
— (Innocent III, Epistolae, Book XIII, Letter 57)
"In some provinces, a difference in dress distinguishes Jews or Saracens from Christians, but in others, this has not been observed, allowing Jews to mix freely with Christians and enter into illicit relationships. Therefore, in every Christian province, Jews and Saracens of both sexes must be distinguished from the Christian people by the character of their dress."
— (Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 68, 1215)
Seems like Pope Innocent III was J Woke, and all of his positions on the jews are in the 4th Lateran Council