finished the Bible yesterday, which happened to be Ascension Day
read it front to back over the course of like 9 months.
main takeaway from the
old test is the constant cycle of people being unfaithful to God, getting severely punished, then repenting and turning to God. this cycle repeats over and over on an individual and civilizational level throughout history.
wats interdasting about the
new test was that this lack of faith persisted even as God walked among them and performed countless miracles right before their eyes. Jesus constantly rebukes his disciples for their lack off faith. this continues even after Jesus is resurrected, and Thomas needed to inspect the wounds before he believed.
i think faith is difficult because it requires a kind of interior crucifixion to take place. ur own intellect has to be subordinated to God. just as the light of the sun is total darkness to a bat, so the Light of God is total darkness to the intellect. we approach Him not by intellection but by humility-- oops i just farded