Happy Mark David Chapman Day!

It must be horrible to be a Useful Idiot, but most people are aimless and so they end up being Useful Idiots for various brands, ideologies, fandoms, cults, and trends. The Boomers became Useful Idiots for Communism because they wanted to rebel against their parents without rejecting “equality.”

As a result, they could only go further Left, and so you had this revolutionary shilling of an ancient idea — Plato records its failings as well-known in the ages long before his age — which makes people happy because it implies total human control over the external world so that humans do not have to think or change their thinking.

All Boomer rock ended up being essentially a propaganda job for Communism. We like The Doors and The Stooges as some of the few exceptions, and The Ramones were a backlash against Utopian thinking and obedient conformity for the sake of a false universal consensual hallucination of reality, but otherwise it was mostly Red all the way down.

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