the american dream in the 21st century is revitalizing a hollowed out industrial town with your girlfriend's onlyfans moneyeven the aspiring strippers moved to the city after high school…
I do think in the next few decades as more and more ppl work remote jobs or make money from online ventures that it’ll be possible to find a girl in a small town like the op describes, but I doubt they’d be working as a waitress.
There are men and women ik that live in small nowhere towns while they rake in cash from their tiktok page or a remote job and live very comfortably becuz their housing is cheap. Paul town talks about this
cities will be (and are) obsolete for many high value white ppl. They’ll live in driving distance from a city working remotely or have their own online venture.the american dream in the 21st century is revitalizing a hollowed out industrial town with your girlfriend's onlyfans money
Isn't this just... the suburbs? "High value" white ppl have been living in the outskirts of metropolitan areas since well before the internet. Since cars, presumably. I can't imagine single women with median-to-high urban incomes moving to sparsely populated areas alone before they've found a man to go with.cities will be (and are) obsolete for many high value white ppl. They’ll live in driving distance from a city working remotely or have their own online venture.
Living in or near urban areas isn’t as essential for success as it once was for white people.Isn't this just... the suburbs? "High value" white ppl have been living in the outskirts of metropolitan areas since well before the internet. Since cars, presumably. I can't imagine single women with median-to-high urban incomes moving to sparsely populated areas alone before they've found a man to go with.
O you were talking about women staying in more rural areas, not relocating there after college. But these women wouldn't be filtered at all. I'd think more of them would be the sort of leftover women Greer described than independent self-starting hustlers with serious online businesses.Living in or near urban areas isn’t as essential for success as it once was for white people.
I think foids will supplement moving to a city for college for the internet and living with their parents. This is pure conjecture on my part as women outnumber men in college, but all of the zoomer girls ik that didn’t go to college are getting paid online doing smth.